Myeloid Malignancies
January 29, 2021Information
January 29, 2021
Presentations by Drs. Nikolai Podoltsev, Rory Shallis, and Amer Zeidan
To CiteDCA Citation Guide
- 00:00Typically this is a CME event
- 00:03composed of six sessions.
- 00:04We already had the first session for
- 00:07multiple myeloma on January 15th and the
- 00:10lymphoid malignancy session last week.
- 00:12Today will be updating you on the myeloid
- 00:16malignancy and next week we have an
- 00:19update on pediatric leukemia and also
- 00:21adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
- 00:24February 12th will be classical or
- 00:26non benign hematology and we will
- 00:29conclude on February 19th with cell
- 00:31therapy and transplantation updates.
- 00:39So as you can tell,
- 00:40there are many great abstracts that
- 00:42are being presented in ash this year,
- 00:45and it's very difficult to
- 00:46try to cover all of these,
- 00:48especially with the time limitation.
- 00:50So here the abstracts that have
- 00:52been selected in this session and
- 00:54in the other sessions basically are
- 00:56chosen for their highest impact,
- 00:58and the ones that are most
- 01:00relevant clinically,
- 01:01especially in areas of unmet clinical
- 01:03need with decided to group them
- 01:05basically by the disease area AML MD's.
- 01:07And my love I almyra preffective neoplasms.
- 01:10Of course, that doesn't mean that
- 01:12the other abstracts that are
- 01:14not presented are not as great.
- 01:16It just as time limitation,
- 01:18and also important to remember that a
- 01:19lot of the abstracts contain preliminary
- 01:22information and preliminary data,
- 01:23and they have not been peer
- 01:25reviewed or finalize or published.
- 01:27So these results always have to be
- 01:30taken with that consideration in mind.
- 01:32We also like to thank all the
- 01:34authors of those abstracts
- 01:36who have shared their slides.
- 01:38With us for this presentation at the
- 01:40end of the entire Series A recording
- 01:42of this session and the other sessions
- 01:44will be available on the subsequent week.
- 01:47An slice of each presentation that will
- 01:49also be available for your review and
- 01:52for people who cannot make the live event.
- 01:55At the end of the six session series,
- 01:57CME Credit will be provided
- 01:59for those who claim it.
- 02:01You will have to fill a quick form and.
- 02:05Supply some feedback to claim the
- 02:08CME credit at the end of the series.
- 02:11So today we'll be covering
- 02:13the myeloid neoplasms.
- 02:14As you can see here,
- 02:15I will be updating you for Milo
- 02:18dysplastic syndromes then,
- 02:19Doctor Orish Alice will update us on
- 02:21acute myeloid leukemia and finally doctor,
- 02:23but also full update us
- 02:24on myeloproliferative.
- 02:25Neoplasm's will try to stick to
- 02:27the times that you can see here so
- 02:30that we can allow some time for
- 02:32questions in the last 10 minutes.
- 02:34We can stay a few minutes beyond one.
- 02:37For those of you who can stay if
- 02:40there are many questions as well.
- 02:43So I'll start with the updates
- 02:45on my latest ostick syndromes.
- 02:47So these are my disclosures.
- 02:50So I'm just as many of you know,
- 02:53their management is really highly
- 02:55risk adaptive.
- 02:56It's somewhat unusual compared to
- 02:57other malignancy's in which the
- 02:59interventions vary significantly
- 03:00all the way from observation.
- 03:02For patients with lower risk,
- 03:04MD S All the way to recommending
- 03:06a very aggressive intervention,
- 03:08like allogenic bone marrow
- 03:09transplantation for patients who
- 03:10have very aggressive disease,
- 03:12which have a prognosis almost
- 03:14like acute myeloid leukemia.
- 03:15In the most aggressive forms of Andy's,
- 03:18this is actually a schema from 2013,
- 03:20and the reason I'm showing you this one.
- 03:23From seven or eight years ago is be cause.
- 03:27Not much really has changed in
- 03:29the schema in the management of
- 03:31Andy as until last year until 2020
- 03:34and in 2020 we have the first 2
- 03:37approvers basically since
- 03:382006 so we had 14 years without any
- 03:41approvals for Andy's until 2020 when we
- 03:44have two drugs that have been approved.
- 03:46One of them is last battleship which
- 03:49is a transforming growth factor beta,
- 03:51an inhibitor disinhibits. Elegant and.
- 03:54This is recommended for patients who
- 03:56have lower risk MD's who have any
- 03:59meandering senior class and other drug,
- 04:01was an oral decitabine.
- 04:02An oral version of this item,
- 04:04in that we will be talking about,
- 04:06but this was also approved in late
- 04:092024 patients with high risk MD's.
- 04:12So I think it's important to start the
- 04:15presentation by highlighting that high
- 04:16unmet need for patients with high risk MD S.
- 04:20So these are some real life analysis
- 04:22that showed that despite the
- 04:24introduction of hypomethylating agents
- 04:26in for treatment for high risk MD
- 04:28as the outcomes or me and pull the
- 04:31overall responses is around 40 to 50%.
- 04:33However,
- 04:34the complete response rate is only
- 04:36around 15% and most of those responses
- 04:38are limited and most patients die
- 04:41from the disease relatively quickly.
- 04:43You can see here previous real life
- 04:45analysis that we conducted for patients
- 04:48who receive is cited in or decide
- 04:51to be in and you can see the median
- 04:53overall survival for older patients.
- 04:55And this was a serious Medicare
- 04:57analysis was eleven months while for
- 05:00patients who were younger and were
- 05:02referred to tertiary big centers in
- 05:04the MD's Clinical Research Consortium.
- 05:06The median overall survival was 17 months.
- 05:08So basically it's much lower than what
- 05:11is generally described in the literature.
- 05:13On 24 months,
- 05:14and for patients who progress after
- 05:16receiving those hypomethylating agents,
- 05:18their survival is even worse.
- 05:20This is an important study that
- 05:21was published by our colleague,
- 05:23Doctor to my Propay,
- 05:25showing that the median survival
- 05:27was only five months.
- 05:28Basically after failure of hypomethylating
- 05:30agents and I think all of this data
- 05:33highlight the significant unmet need
- 05:34that we should not just routinely
- 05:36use hypomethylating agents.
- 05:38But we should try to improve
- 05:40the outcomes of patients.
- 05:42So going to some of the major
- 05:44highlights from the ash meeting,
- 05:46I will start with this one.
- 05:48This is a drug that I just mentioned.
- 05:51Oral deci TB in that has just
- 05:53been approved in August 2020,
- 05:54so decide to be in the reason why
- 05:57you cannot give this ITB in orally
- 05:59is because it's highly metabolised
- 06:01in the gut by this enzyme.
- 06:03Citadine dominates as well as in the liver,
- 06:06so you have significant first pass effect.
- 06:08So what was done here in to develop
- 06:10this drug which is called in covi.
- 06:13Is to combine decided being with an
- 06:16inhibitor of this city in Germany
- 06:18is called sisters OR and the
- 06:21combination in phase one.
- 06:23Phase two trials was shown to result in
- 06:26similar pharmacodynamic and pharmacodynamic.
- 06:30Activities to the Ivy decided mean,
- 06:32so this combination was taken to a phase
- 06:35three trial that looked at pharmacokinetic
- 06:38equivalence as a final end point,
- 06:41and this trial was presented in 2019
- 06:44and you can see A at the bottom.
- 06:47The final conclusion, which you have 99%
- 06:50equivalence pharmacokinetic equivalence
- 06:51between oral and Ivy decitabine.
- 06:53However, the follow up from this study was
- 06:57somewhat limited and an important update.
- 07:00Was presented in the American side of
- 07:02hematology meeting this year by Doctor
- 07:04Savona, and this trial is actually a trial.
- 07:07We participated in an many
- 07:08of you in the care centers,
- 07:10have refer patients for us,
- 07:12so we thank you for that.
- 07:14So the update from the certain study
- 07:16showed that the complete response
- 07:18rate was around 22% and the median
- 07:21overall survival after median follow
- 07:22up of 24 months has not yet been
- 07:25reached and the median duration
- 07:27of best response was 12 months.
- 07:29So I think well.
- 07:31The follow up still needs to be longer.
- 07:34It's important to know that for now it
- 07:37seems that oral version of Decitabine is
- 07:39very similar to how we decide to be in,
- 07:42and I think we have a lot of data
- 07:44now suggesting that it can be
- 07:46completely replacing the IBD side
- 07:48been as monotherapy for Andy's.
- 07:50And on this note also I like to
- 07:53highlight that many of you are aware
- 07:55that there is an oral version of is
- 07:58cited in the CC-486 or on your leg.
- 08:00That has been approved,
- 08:02but this is was only approved
- 08:04in AML on your egg Aurora.
- 08:06Laser sighted in is very different in
- 08:08pharmacokinetics. Ann for Neko Dynamics.
- 08:10Then I be decided in an.
- 08:12I'm sorry.
- 08:13Then Ivy is exciting in and therefore
- 08:16should not be used in MD as its only
- 08:19approved for AML and I think it should
- 08:21be used only in that sitting and
- 08:24AML only in the maintenance setting.
- 08:26After achieving remission with
- 08:27intensive chemotherapy and not as
- 08:29a replacement as monotherapy or.
- 08:31In combination with Venator class
- 08:32so this is important to note.
- 08:35I think another combination that's
- 08:36attracting a lot of attention as
- 08:38a combination of hypomethylating
- 08:40agents with Veneto class.
- 08:41So this is an update that was
- 08:43presented by Doctor Garcia and her
- 08:45colleagues in the frontline setting,
- 08:47so this is a phase One piece study
- 08:49that looked at combination of SSI tied
- 08:52in with Veneto class and this is a
- 08:54single arm study and they provided an
- 08:57update here in around 78 patients and
- 08:59what you can see is a very high CR rates.
- 09:02So the CR rate is around 40%.
- 09:05Remember that the CR rate would is cited in.
- 09:08Monotherapy is only around 15%
- 09:10to 20% at best and the overall
- 09:13response rate is around 80%.
- 09:15The responses,
- 09:16as you can see,
- 09:17sorry for that responses were durable
- 09:19around 13 months and the median follow up
- 09:22on the study was somewhat short 16 months,
- 09:25but the survival so far,
- 09:27especially for those patients
- 09:29who have complete responses,
- 09:30appear quite significant.
- 09:31However, I think these data are important
- 09:34to take into consideration still early.
- 09:37A single arm. We don't have randomized
- 09:39data and we have many drugs that
- 09:41shown excellent data as monotherapy,
- 09:43but when they went to randomized
- 09:45setting they did not basically show
- 09:48improvement in overall survival and
- 09:50I think This is why it's important
- 09:52to wait for the randomized data
- 09:54before this could be used as a,
- 09:57you know a setting in like in routine clinic.
- 10:01Practice.
- 10:03Another I think important study is the
- 10:06one we conducted here at at at Yale in
- 10:09collaboration with many other centers.
- 10:11And we also provided an update from this data
- 10:14in the American Society of Hematology here.
- 10:17The other side in and venetoclax were used
- 10:19in the relapsed or refractory setting,
- 10:22and as you can see,
- 10:23the response rate is around 40% total.
- 10:26Around 7% of those have complete responses,
- 10:29but many of those who have more
- 10:30complete responses also achieved
- 10:32significant hematologic improvement
- 10:33transfusion independence of.
- 10:35Latest on blood.
- 10:36As you can see.
- 10:37So there are significant clinical benefits.
- 10:39But also as you can see on the right side,
- 10:42the median overall survival
- 10:44of all patients was 12 months,
- 10:46which compares favorably than the four
- 10:48to six months that I showed you earlier
- 10:50in the typical refractory relapsed MD
- 10:53S setting and even patients who have
- 10:55more OCR have significant survival.
- 10:56As you can see with 15 months.
- 10:58Again,
- 10:59this is single ARM study,
- 11:00not randomized,
- 11:01and I think we need more data before this
- 11:04could be used in routine clinical practice.
- 11:07There are important differences
- 11:08in how financial classes used
- 11:10in real life setting or for Andy
- 11:12as compared to AML for example.
- 11:13And both of those studies,
- 11:15Veneto class was given only for 14 days,
- 11:17not the 28 days that are given in AML.
- 11:20And that's important because MTS
- 11:22patients might not tolerate the same
- 11:24degree of myelosuppression that their
- 11:26male patients who tend to be somewhat
- 11:28younger than on average and MD's patients.
- 11:30So we have now around a nice face retrial.
- 11:33The Verona trial,
- 11:34which is looking at,
- 11:35is cited in versus cases cited in with
- 11:37venetoclax in the frontline setting
- 11:39among patients with high risk MBS and
- 11:41this study is going to open at Yale.
- 11:43We are also opening at a number of
- 11:46daycare centers and I encourage you
- 11:47to enroll patients on it to see if
- 11:50this setup we actually will change the
- 11:52standard management of high risk MD's.
- 11:55Another update that was prevent presented
- 11:57in the American state of Mythology
- 11:59meeting was on this drug people,
- 12:01and it is that which is the 1st
- 12:03in class need it inhibitor.
- 12:05So this this is an upstream of the
- 12:08proteasome and it was shown in
- 12:10early phase trials in combination
- 12:11with their society into lead to
- 12:14improvement and responses.
- 12:15This trial randomized patients,
- 12:16but this was a randomized phase two
- 12:19trial in which not only patients with
- 12:21MD as but also patients with illegal plastic,
- 12:24AML and CML were randomized to receive.
- 12:26Cited in alone or as a sighted in with
- 12:29people needed stat and this trial also
- 12:32was actually open here at at year and what
- 12:35you can see here or the subgroup analysis
- 12:37of the patients who had higher risk and
- 12:40the S which were a total of 67 patients.
- 12:43This paper this this was just also
- 12:45published in Leukemia Journal.
- 12:46What you can see is that there was like a
- 12:49marginal improvement in event free survival,
- 12:52But the primary endpoint of the study
- 12:54the overall survival was not improved.
- 12:56And I think most notable here is
- 12:59that the overall response rate,
- 13:01but especially the CR rate,
- 13:03was significantly higher with
- 13:05the combination compared to the
- 13:08monotherapy and was more durable.
- 13:11There is a phase three trial of the same.
- 13:14Basically, design of P1 is a sighted
- 13:16in compared to azacitidine alone.
- 13:18This trial,
- 13:19actually called the Panther trial,
- 13:21has fully accrued and we expect
- 13:23results from the study soon.
- 13:24So I think this also could potentially
- 13:28be a practice changing if the
- 13:30if there is us are posted.
- 13:33How about immunotherapy?
- 13:34Many of you use like immune
- 13:35checkpoint inhibitors such as anti PD,
- 13:37One PD, L1,
- 13:38CLU for routinely for management
- 13:39of solid tumors,
- 13:40we've been trying to use these drugs
- 13:43for some time now in high risk MD ASAN
- 13:45myeloid malignancy really and so far
- 13:47a lot of the data has been single arm and.
- 13:51A single center data.
- 13:52This is what I'm showing you is a
- 13:55presentation from ASH 2019 in which
- 13:57we showed with colleagues from other
- 13:59centers in a randomized phase two
- 14:02study that the combination of is
- 14:03cited in with the anti PDL one door
- 14:06volume app which is approved for
- 14:08several solid tumors did not improve
- 14:10outcomes compared to other sighting.
- 14:12However I think this is probably
- 14:16just related to PD L1.
- 14:18And does not extend necessarily to other
- 14:20classes of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
- 14:23And on that note,
- 14:25another immune checkpoint inhibitor
- 14:27called sabatella mob or MPG 453.
- 14:30Is basically being studied in
- 14:32combination with hypomethylating agents,
- 14:33not only for high risk MD's,
- 14:35but also for AML patients and the
- 14:38data from what was presented in
- 14:40in ash this year showed this is a
- 14:43single arm again phase one study,
- 14:45but it showed the CR rate of 23%
- 14:48which is slightly higher than
- 14:50what you expect with monotherapy,
- 14:52but the overall response rate was 64%,
- 14:55and what you can see on the right hand
- 14:57is that there was encouraging durability.
- 15:01Of the combination,
- 15:02especially with patients who have
- 15:04long or very high risk disease,
- 15:06and I would note the side effect
- 15:08profile here it does not seem to add
- 15:11myelosuppression to the exercise again alone,
- 15:13and also importantly,
- 15:15the incidence of immune related
- 15:17effects seems to be low with this.
- 15:19With this particular agent,
- 15:21so appears on this data.
- 15:22There are ongoing several study.
- 15:24We just completed a cruel to a randomized
- 15:27phase two study in higher risk MD S of.
- 15:31Is there with the battle map versus
- 15:33is alone and this study is completed
- 15:35accrual and we expect the results
- 15:38in the next one to two years.
- 15:39There's another face retrial
- 15:41that will open here as well.
- 15:43Called the stimulus MD S2,
- 15:44which is a randomized phase three
- 15:47of the same combination is with
- 15:49the battle map versus Asia and we
- 15:51have our as well a frontline study
- 15:53with a 7 is events a battle map.
- 15:55All of those are open at at
- 15:58yet another interesting immune
- 15:59checkpoint inhibitor is the CD 47.
- 16:01Anti CD 47. They don't eat me.
- 16:04Signal inhibitor mag rolling up
- 16:06what was presented in ash this
- 16:08year was an update and what the
- 16:10authors shown the significant plus
- 16:12reduction among all patients.
- 16:14But the data was most impressive in
- 16:16patients who have TP 53 mutations
- 16:18in which the median overall survival
- 16:21among patients who had TP 50.
- 16:22Three was 12 months,
- 16:24which is higher than what we
- 16:26typically expect it to nine months.
- 16:28Generally in patients who have this mutation.
- 16:31So this drug now is being studied.
- 16:33In a randomized trial called
- 16:35the enhance in high risk MD's
- 16:37whether they have TP 53 or not,
- 16:39magherally map with laser versus is alone,
- 16:42but also there are efforts to study it in
- 16:44acute myeloid leukemia patients as well,
- 16:46especially those with TP 53.
- 16:49This is a transplant
- 16:51abstract and as I mentioned,
- 16:52there is a separate transplant
- 16:54presentation that will happen
- 16:55at the end of the series,
- 16:57but I just wanted to highlight
- 16:59this the conclusion from this
- 17:01because this is in my view,
- 17:02one of the most important abstracts
- 17:04from this ash becausw it showed
- 17:06in a randomized trial data,
- 17:08so here this was randomized.
- 17:09All the data that we have about MD's
- 17:12improving survival in high risk MD's
- 17:14patients compared to hypomethylating
- 17:15agents alone is based on Markov
- 17:17decision analysis and modeling,
- 17:18but this is the first randomized
- 17:20trial to actually show.
- 17:21An absolute improvement in overall
- 17:23survival and the three year survival
- 17:26for donor versus no donor arm.
- 17:28And I think what is very important is this
- 17:31study allowed patients after the age of 75.
- 17:35And this is important to get out there,
- 17:37that because we still see patients who
- 17:39are like 72 who come to us very later
- 17:42there and their scores and being told
- 17:44they were not candidates for transplant.
- 17:46So I think it's important to know
- 17:48that even patients up to the age of
- 17:5075 could be considered for curative
- 17:52therapy and they should be re ferd
- 17:54for big Centers for clinical trials
- 17:56as well as transplant consideration
- 17:57in the last couple of minutes.
- 17:59I will talk about lower risk MD's
- 18:01as I mentioned was partnership has
- 18:03been approved after ESA failure.
- 18:05For patients who have RingCentral
- 18:07plastic anemia from lower risk MD's now,
- 18:09this drug is being studied in the
- 18:12frontline setting in the commands trial,
- 18:14so this is it's being studied compared
- 18:16to low Earth roelle powerton and
- 18:18this or a potent procrit and this
- 18:21is in the frontline setting and regardless
- 18:23so whether you have ringstad or plus or not,
- 18:27you could be randomized to either a
- 18:29proton or low spatter set and this trial
- 18:32is open in the care centers as well.
- 18:35So many of you will be able to enroll in it.
- 18:39Another interesting drug is the emitted step,
- 18:41which is the 1st in class telomerase
- 18:43inhibitor which has been shown also
- 18:45to improve transfusion independence.
- 18:46Regardless of having RingCentral Plus or
- 18:48not and some of those responses which
- 18:50occur in 42% of patients were at durable.
- 18:53Now we have actually an open study here.
- 18:55The High Merge study the phase three
- 18:57so this is a randomized study after
- 19:00he has a failure so frontline we have
- 19:03the commands in lower risk and be as.
- 19:05Refractory, we have the Hymer study
- 19:08for patients after failure of PSA
- 19:10in which patients are randomized to
- 19:12him until a stat versus placebo.
- 19:14In the last minute I wanna show you
- 19:17another like non interventional study
- 19:19that we did in patients with MD S who
- 19:22have lower who have anemia and as you
- 19:25know one of the open questions in MDSS.
- 19:28When do you transfuse patients with
- 19:30MD S and many people use different
- 19:32cut off seven or eight of hemoglobin?
- 19:35Here we used verified quality of life
- 19:37instrument in a investigator initiated
- 19:39effort led by Doctor Go in Table.
- 19:42Go on Dana Farber.
- 19:43And we looked at the quality of life
- 19:46improvement before and after transfusion
- 19:48and what we have shown is that most
- 19:51patients 2/3 of patients did not
- 19:53experience an improvement in their
- 19:54quality of life after transfusion.
- 19:56So I think that puts into question
- 19:59our practice of Troy.
- 20:00Using patients based on hemoglobin
- 20:02cut offs of aid,
- 20:03and I think it's important to try
- 20:05to study this in more extensive
- 20:07sitting about what is the right cut
- 20:10off for transfusions in,
- 20:11especially in the outpatient setting.
- 20:13For patients with ambius rather than
- 20:15using random cut offs of hemoglobin.
- 20:17So this is my last slide and I will
- 20:19give the floor now to my colleague
- 20:22Doctor Rory Challis who will update
- 20:24us on acute myeloid leukemia.
- 20:26Updates from the ash.
- 20:27Thank you and we'll be happy all
- 20:30of us will be taking questions.
- 20:32At the end of that seminar at 12:50,
- 20:34thanks.
- 20:52OK, How are we looking?
- 20:54Every seeing a full slide who
- 20:56screens two screens again? Sorry.
- 21:00Standard technical difficulties.
- 21:07Yeah, I think you need to swap your
- 21:10screens. Let's try this again.
- 21:15Yep. How's that? That looks good,
- 21:18not yet ticket.
- 21:21Yes.
- 21:23Looks good.
- 21:25You're seeing one. Yes, one scream.
- 21:27You're good to go alright? Do this by then.
- 21:32Sorry bout that.
- 21:35OK.
- 21:38Alright one screen we're good to go so.
- 21:43Thanks for the introduction.
- 21:45I'll be specifically focusing on
- 21:48the highlights presented this past
- 21:50meeting as they pertain to AML.
- 21:53I have no disclosures, so.
- 21:57Again, you're still seeing one screen, right?
- 22:01OK, it's a bit hard to really focus
- 22:03in on really a select few updates
- 22:06from an entire years worth of.
- 22:08I would say progress in the field.
- 22:12So I'll try to really focus on agents
- 22:15with which we already have some
- 22:17familiar that Phillip familiarity,
- 22:19but also some new combinations or regiments,
- 22:21some of which you can guess we're
- 22:24going to include the BCL two
- 22:26inhibitor of medical acts.
- 22:27All of these are all the studies
- 22:30I'll be discussing are going to be
- 22:32interventional of only really try to
- 22:34give some minimal background so it's
- 22:37really focused on the updates themselves.
- 22:39So jump right in.
- 22:41As many of you are.
- 22:43Aware Gilteritinib is a
- 22:44flip through inhibitor,
- 22:46which in the Admiral trial was shown
- 22:49to improve survival when compared
- 22:51with classical salvage chemotherapy
- 22:54in their refractory setting.
- 22:56So its approval for such over
- 22:58the outcomes for these patients
- 23:00treated with guilt,
- 23:01or it never guilt are still quite poor.
- 23:04The preclinical data does support
- 23:06some synergy when Gilteritinib is
- 23:08combined with a BCL two inhibitor
- 23:10and those data prompted the launch of
- 23:12the trial that I'll be talking about.
- 23:15In brief, you can see here,
- 23:17so this was done in the context of
- 23:19the following trial schema patients,
- 23:21as you guessed it,
- 23:23had relapsed refractory disease,
- 23:24including wild type patients.
- 23:26In the dose escalation phase,
- 23:28without you know, a low white counts.
- 23:30They really had controlled proliferation.
- 23:32They received standard phonetic lacks
- 23:344 milligrams in combination with
- 23:36either guilt 80 or 120 milligrams,
- 23:38which the latter of which is the
- 23:40standard dose that was studied in Phase
- 23:433 testing, and this was later expanded,
- 23:45so the demographics were,
- 23:46for the most part, I would say,
- 23:49expected with regards to age,
- 23:51set of genetic risk given the inclusion
- 23:53criteria that I mentioned before,
- 23:55a majority of patients.
- 23:57Did have ITD mutations?
- 23:59Of note,
- 23:5965% of patients received prior
- 24:01therapy with the flip three inhibitor
- 24:04and a third enrolled after they
- 24:06had a relapse after allogeneic
- 24:08metaplastic stem cell transplantation.
- 24:11All patients experienced an adverse
- 24:12event in nearly all grade three,
- 24:15with unsurprisingly, was being cytopenias.
- 24:17You know,
- 24:17given the combination with medical access,
- 24:20you know a very well known Milo
- 24:22toxic amount suppressive agent,
- 24:24but perhaps some contribution of guilt.
- 24:26And as well,
- 24:27three patients were reported as having
- 24:29laboratory tumor lysis syndrome with
- 24:31only one of these having clinical TLS,
- 24:34only 60% of patients,
- 24:35at least as of last follow-up,
- 24:37discontinued the drug due to adverse events.
- 24:41Of note,
- 24:41no patients died within a month of dosing,
- 24:44but six died with up to 60 days out.
- 24:49Amongst 41 amongst 41 adult patients,
- 24:52only three achieved CR or 7% specifically.
- 24:55However,
- 24:5627% of patients achieved a
- 24:58less than CR remission,
- 25:00which here was inclusive of CR or CR P.
- 25:04Half of patients achieved MFS or
- 25:07morphologic leukemia Free State again,
- 25:08in the context of the Netflix
- 25:11related mileage suppression.
- 25:12Amongst responders,
- 25:13the median time to response was one month,
- 25:16but best responses were
- 25:17observed up to four months out.
- 25:19No more could differences in
- 25:21response or the types of response
- 25:23for that matter were apparent after
- 25:25accounting for prior flip three
- 25:27inhibitor exposure other than maybe
- 25:29a little less or chance of CR.
- 25:31As you can see here,
- 25:337.3 versus one quote versus 3.6%.
- 25:37The median overall survival for
- 25:39the overall cohort was 12.3 months
- 25:41and specifically not reached,
- 25:42including an unreached lower limit of
- 25:44the 95% confidence interval for ITD patients.
- 25:47Clear differences in survival were
- 25:49noted based on prior filter exposure,
- 25:51so I would say in some the addition of
- 25:53attacks appears to augment the efficacy
- 25:56of of guilt monotherapy in this situation,
- 25:59which based on the Admiral
- 26:00trial I had mentioned before,
- 26:02predicts a median survival
- 26:04around 9 nine and a half months.
- 26:07This is at the expense of near
- 26:09double hematologic toxicity,
- 26:10which I think we can all agree is
- 26:12attributable to the phonetic LAX,
- 26:14but of course.
- 26:15Just heating some caution and saying
- 26:17it appears to increase the efficacy
- 26:19outside of a randomized clinical trial,
- 26:21so this isn't of course need
- 26:23to at least confirm this.
- 26:25This likely benefit here.
- 26:28Jump into the next update.
- 26:29I have 40 or so older patients with AML.
- 26:34Have generally a poor outcomes,
- 26:36but there there is some variance
- 26:38noted to improve these outcomes.
- 26:39Ventures like the following are underway,
- 26:42so next I'd like to discuss the
- 26:44interim results of a striking study
- 26:46of cladribine and lodosa Terrapin,
- 26:48which is essentially a double
- 26:50nucleoside backbone and Aza,
- 26:51both with the addition of an ethics course.
- 26:54The double clad plus Ldac backbone
- 26:56has been previously studied this.
- 26:58This isn't showing here in this
- 27:00slide with alternating decide to be
- 27:02as treatment for newly diagnosed.
- 27:04Older patients with AML and this led to
- 27:07a composite CR of 68%, including CR 50%.
- 27:11Quite quite nice with a median
- 27:13OS of well over a year.
- 27:15It appears 14.8 months with quite low
- 27:18for an 8 week rates of mortality.
- 27:22So this is the actual trial.
- 27:24This scheme is a little complex,
- 27:26but essentially like I mentioned,
- 27:27older,
- 27:28newly diagnosed patients with AML
- 27:29received clad plus ldac with van with.
- 27:32As you can see here,
- 27:33the standard dose reductions for
- 27:35CYP 3A four inhibitor use receive
- 27:37this for cycle one,
- 27:38with cycle to being the same three
- 27:40drugs but less clad and a little bit
- 27:43less fanatical acts with cycle three
- 27:45switching the nucleoside backbone
- 27:46for Asia on the standard schedule,
- 27:49again with phonetic lacks for 14 days,
- 27:51similar to cycle two.
- 27:52So basically patients received.
- 27:54Part A,
- 27:55as you can see here and they can move.
- 27:57I don't.
- 27:58I don't know how to use a
- 27:59highlighter or whatever,
- 28:00but patients received a * 2 then
- 28:02B * 2 and then back and forth back
- 28:05and forth for up to 18 cycles.
- 28:08So here the patient characteristics
- 28:10as of the first day to cut of
- 28:13note 40% of patients for older.
- 28:16Sorry older than 70 years,
- 28:1825% were had disease characterized
- 28:20by porous I,
- 28:21genetics ANAN would be would be
- 28:23generally expected given this population,
- 28:25although nearly half were ellenor
- 28:28European leukemia net poor risk
- 28:30after accounting for the relevant
- 28:32molecular features on top of genetics.
- 28:35Amongst the 54 patients that
- 28:38today have been accrued and are
- 28:40in fact invaluable with a median
- 28:42one cycle or month to responses,
- 28:45striking 78% achieved CR and basically all
- 28:48except three achieved MFC MRD negativity.
- 28:50Basically,
- 28:51MRD negativity negativity by flow
- 28:53centric analysis including CRIA
- 28:55composite CR rate of 93% was
- 28:57rendered which is simply amazing and
- 29:00perhaps I really should have saved
- 29:03this safest route for the end so.
- 29:05One of the more striking updates from
- 29:08ASH with regards to the response rates.
- 29:10However,
- 29:11it's not all about response rates
- 29:13for the patient not proceeding
- 29:15to cure to therapy,
- 29:16really care bout event based outcomes
- 29:18like survival in evaluating survival
- 29:20and a medium median of 14.2 months.
- 29:23The OS and RFS curves were
- 29:25essentially the same,
- 29:26meaning OS was reached was not reached.
- 29:28Sorry,
- 29:29and 60% of patients were still alive at
- 29:31two years after starting therapy again.
- 29:34Quite amazing considering the
- 29:35fact that half of patients were.
- 29:37Yellen adverse risk. Sorry
- 29:39hadelin adverse risk disease.
- 29:43However, this is just some.
- 29:45You know, some smaller kind
- 29:46of subpopulation analysis.
- 29:48You can see that when accounting for
- 29:50set of genetic risk and Dylan risk,
- 29:53not surprising differences
- 29:54are in fact observed.
- 29:55I would note that 11 patients
- 29:58or 2524% of the 45 responding.
- 30:00Patients proceeding to
- 30:01transplant with these patients,
- 30:03patients really enjoying more
- 30:04than 90% survival at one year,
- 30:06which when compared with the
- 30:08folks not getting to transform
- 30:10with 69% but a difference,
- 30:11did not reach statistical significance.
- 30:13Likely in the setting of just,
- 30:15you know,
- 30:16obviously a small early phase study.
- 30:20So just going to switch
- 30:22gears a little bit with AML,
- 30:24one of the first decision we have to
- 30:26make is whether patient is quote unquote
- 30:28intensive therapy eligible or not.
- 30:30The first 2 trials I mentioned were
- 30:32really geared towards patients that
- 30:34are intensive therapy ineligible.
- 30:35But what about patients receiving
- 30:37intensive therapy generally felt to be
- 30:39the standard of care for those who are
- 30:41eligible with some specific exceptions?
- 30:43Of course if prompted debate,
- 30:44but that's a discussion for another.
- 30:46Another presentation.
- 30:47Here is the schema for a trial also
- 30:50out of MD Anderson and evaluating
- 30:52the addition of genetic lacks.
- 30:53To CPX, 3/5 one or the brand name
- 30:56being fix EOS which is standard of
- 30:59care for patients with AML MRC and
- 31:02therapy quote unquote related AML.
- 31:04The design included cohort for adults with
- 31:07newly diagnosed AML as well as looks.
- 31:09Factory disease, with the latter
- 31:11allowing prior phonetics exposure.
- 31:12Quite important criterion.
- 31:13A dose escalation phase or safety
- 31:15run included.
- 31:16Of course, all the patients,
- 31:18irrespective of whether they
- 31:19were Dinovo slash,
- 31:20newly diagnosed or realtor factory.
- 31:24Of note CPX 3/5 one was given
- 31:26at the standard dose on label.
- 31:28Essentially event began fairly
- 31:29quickly on day two with a three day
- 31:32ramp up to a target dose of 400,
- 31:34again with the standard dose
- 31:36reductions you would expect or should
- 31:38be considering with concurrency 3A
- 31:39four inhibition as well as toxicities
- 31:41prompted prompting dropping to
- 31:43lower dose levels as they came up.
- 31:45Essentially this was then was given for
- 31:47three weeks during induction as well
- 31:49As for 20 three weeks during each cycle.
- 31:51Consolidation.
- 31:52In this case they allowed up to four cycles.
- 31:55Of consolidation,
- 31:56in contrast to the standard on label CPX 351.
- 32:01Monotherapy consolidation.
- 32:03Here the characteristics of the
- 32:05patients who had a broad range
- 32:07of age instead of genetic risk,
- 32:08I'll call your attention to the right
- 32:11where you can see that 30% of patients
- 32:13had disease characterized by the
- 32:15presence of a TP 53 mutation and after
- 32:17including ASL one and runx one mutations,
- 32:20the majority of patients did in fact
- 32:22have guillain adverse risk disease.
- 32:26Only 6% of patients achieved CR,
- 32:28but CR CRA was the rate of CRC.
- 32:31I was 39% still fairly low with a
- 32:34median one cycle time to response.
- 32:37The most common reason for coming off of
- 32:39study was actually proceeding to transplant.
- 32:42This occurred in 31 patients were but
- 32:45generally 50 half of the patient population.
- 32:48The most common grade 3 plus
- 32:50ease were human logic in nature,
- 32:52pneumonia amongst other infections didn't.
- 32:55Did also occur 30 and 60 day
- 32:58mortality were weren't nominal
- 33:0010% at 30 days and 20% at 60 days,
- 33:04so a fairly toxic regimen with again
- 33:07relatively limited efficacy in comparison
- 33:09to the other guys I've presented.
- 33:13The median overall survival was six months
- 33:15with a 6 month OS rate of about 53%.
- 33:18Just to be specific and 46% at one year.
- 33:22So not terribly different.
- 33:236 versus 12 months among responders,
- 33:25the median OS and RFS were not reached,
- 33:28and the six month OS and RFS
- 33:31were essentially about 8590%.
- 33:32You can see that patients without
- 33:34prior medical exposure did better.
- 33:36However, again, given the small numbers,
- 33:38this did not reach statistical significance.
- 33:42Sticking with this is another trial.
- 33:44Sticking with intensive therapy
- 33:46eligible patients.
- 33:47What about adding then to other
- 33:49intensive backbones beyond CPX 351,
- 33:51here's a schema which demonstrates that
- 33:53patients with both newly diagnosed
- 33:55disease and relapse refractory disease
- 33:57received a fairly standard flag.
- 33:59Ida regimen and dosing with Medical X added,
- 34:02especially specifically during days
- 34:03one through 14 at a target dose
- 34:06of 400 in standard target dose,
- 34:08but not without a ramp up and then high
- 34:11debt consolidation had been incorporated.
- 34:14Days one through 14.
- 34:16So a complex slide,
- 34:18but hopefully that kind of summed it up.
- 34:20Here are the patient demographics or sorry
- 34:23patient characteristics specifically,
- 34:24noting that the relapse refractory
- 34:26cohorts were a bit more enriched
- 34:28for adverse risk disease.
- 34:29And as you would otherwise expect and
- 34:3238% had received prior allogeneic
- 34:34Amanda poetic stem cell transplant.
- 34:38The toxicity was what you would
- 34:40expect with intensive therapy and
- 34:42addition of class including based on
- 34:44what I just presented. For C PX351.
- 34:49CRC is 90% and in the newly diagnosed cohort
- 34:5360 to 75% in the roaster factory cohorts.
- 34:56So and fairly good rates of MRD negativity.
- 35:01And this is essentially just looking at at.
- 35:05Based on their their disease,
- 35:06the disease cohort specifically.
- 35:08So I'll just kind of wrap it up
- 35:11with just promise two more slides.
- 35:13So those updates for therapies
- 35:14we already had.
- 35:15But what about just one update
- 35:17on an agent or regimen?
- 35:19We do not yet really have.
- 35:21This is Google Map or the this
- 35:24is the humanized anti CD.
- 35:2547 IgG, four monoclonal antibody
- 35:27product from from Gilead Sciences,
- 35:29relevant as tumor expression
- 35:30of CD 47 prompts evasion from
- 35:32an 80 minute survaillance.
- 35:33Specifically macrophage mediated.
- 35:35Microcytosis and in fact pre
- 35:36clinical data support that AML,
- 35:38leukemic blast doing factor,
- 35:39or enriched for CD 47 Express expression.
- 35:41So this was studied in combination
- 35:43with Asia and a phase one.
- 35:45B2 trial that armored actually touched on
- 35:48earlier most in the context of high risk
- 35:51MD S but I'll just focus on the AML cohort.
- 35:55Specifically,
- 35:5590 except sorry,
- 35:5670% porous surgeon attics 70% P
- 35:59three mutations with a robust
- 36:00median vaf which would otherwise
- 36:02predict biallelic loss of function.
- 36:05So essentially a very,
- 36:06very,
- 36:07very poorest population and not the
- 36:09toxicity profile was generally what
- 36:11you would expect with as a monotherapy
- 36:14other than I'd say a mild transient
- 36:17on targeting me that was reversible.
- 36:19Know whether grade 3/4 plus 80s
- 36:21and no immune related AE's given
- 36:24macros mechanism of action.
- 36:26This is a slide hammer showed
- 36:28you this is the AML cohort,
- 36:30essentially a 20% rate of see better
- 36:33in comparison to generate 20%
- 36:35rate of expected as a monotherapy.
- 36:3760 ish percent,
- 36:38essentially with essentially
- 36:39in the waterfall plot.
- 36:41Here nearly all patients experiencing
- 36:43Meryl Blast percentage reduction
- 36:44with many being robust reductions.
- 36:46The median OS at last day to cut
- 36:48off of patients in the trial was
- 36:5118.9 months and even after isolating
- 36:54patients that had a P3 mutation.
- 36:56And we still 12.9 months,
- 36:58which to be honest is the longest
- 37:00median OS I believe ever reported
- 37:02for this population,
- 37:03so quite striking as you can see,
- 37:05four or five patients are still
- 37:07alive more than two years out,
- 37:09so quite impressive.
- 37:10So I am a little bit over and
- 37:13I apologize to Nikolai.
- 37:14Mostly this is raw,
- 37:15conclude my section and look
- 37:17forward any questions at the end.
- 37:19So next I'd like to introduce
- 37:21Doctor Nikolai Pedulla civilly
- 37:22discussing the ash 2020 updates
- 37:24in there almost perfect NPS.
- 37:29Alright, thank you Oriel let
- 37:31me share my slides with you.
- 37:34How does it look?
- 37:35Does it look like one screen?
- 37:41We don't see slides head.
- 37:43Sadly you don't see slides OK,
- 37:45just a second. We just see you.
- 37:48Oh interesting. Alright,
- 37:50so hold on let me escape from here.
- 37:53And so I'll do this. How about now?
- 37:58Do you see two right and I need to swap?
- 38:02No, we still don't see them.
- 38:04You don't see them.
- 38:15Did you share a video girl OK?
- 38:19Yep, now we see alright.
- 38:21You see this one slide right?
- 38:24Alright, OK,
- 38:25alright so I'll be talking about.
- 38:28Milo proliferative neoplasms and I had to
- 38:31be selective because of the time frame,
- 38:33so this are my disclosures.
- 38:36I'll go over 4 studies and the first
- 38:38one was presented as a late breaking
- 38:41abstract is not the interventional study
- 38:43I thought would be important to mention.
- 38:46I just have one slide about it.
- 38:48This is about driver mutation,
- 38:50acquisition in pH, negative MPs,
- 38:52and this study managed to show that this
- 38:55mutations are quite as early as in utero
- 38:58until disease develops decades later.
- 39:00So the goal of the study was
- 39:02timing of driver, mutation,
- 39:04acquisition,
- 39:04and clonal expansion evolution
- 39:06dynamics of the clones.
- 39:08The methods used by UK investigators
- 39:10included studying 10 patients with Jack.
- 39:13Two mutations of this is Jack
- 39:16two mutation for Stevens.
- 39:17This patients were between H20 and 76.
- 39:20The single cell derived
- 39:22hematopoietic colonies were studied
- 39:24using whole exome sequencing.
- 39:26There was targeted resequencing of
- 39:28longitudinal blood samples from the
- 39:31stem patients and something which
- 39:33is still not clear very clear to me,
- 39:36but they were able to create those.
- 39:39Polygenetic trees or of hematopoiesis,
- 39:41allowing them to understand when
- 39:44initial driver mutation occurred
- 39:46as the result it was found that
- 39:49mpanza originate from driver
- 39:51mutation quite very early in life,
- 39:54including before birth,
- 39:55and then there is lifelong
- 39:57clonal expansion and evolution.
- 39:59So this.
- 40:00Results are quite amazing because they
- 40:02tell us that this Jack two mutation,
- 40:05which eventually leads to
- 40:07development of MPN late at life,
- 40:09is present in utero and perhaps if we can
- 40:13understand how it develops and evolves,
- 40:15we may use some preventative strategies
- 40:18in the future to prevent expansion
- 40:20of this clone or its evolution.
- 40:23Moving onto interventional studies,
- 40:25first of all,
- 40:27I will talk about CML and again
- 40:30another late breaking abstract second.
- 40:33I will talk about one study using
- 40:36new drug for Milo fibrosis patients,
- 40:40and finally I'll finish with
- 40:42the study for PVR patients.
- 40:45So the second study I would
- 40:48like to talk about looked at a
- 40:52synonym also known as able 001.
- 40:55This is the first class stamp inhibitor.
- 40:58An stamp is specifically targeting the
- 41:01Belmira stole pork it so its allosteric BSL,
- 41:05one BSL BCR ABL one inhibitor
- 41:07which is different to advertising
- 41:10kinese inhibitors which targeting
- 41:12ATP pocket on April 1.
- 41:15So as you can see on the cartoon
- 41:18from New England Journal Medicine
- 41:20article discussing Phase One
- 41:22results with this medication.
- 41:25There is Mr Lated and terminal
- 41:27which auto inhibits able one
- 41:30an with BCR ABL translocation.
- 41:32This N terminal piece of.
- 41:36Peace is gone,
- 41:37so you have PCR and now there is
- 41:40no auto inhibition and there is
- 41:44constitutive activation of ABL kinase
- 41:46Aciman app targets that fork it and
- 41:49can allosterically inhibit PCR able?
- 41:52So as you can see,
- 41:54the other tiki eyes we have currently
- 41:57in practice and use in practice
- 42:00go to ATP binding site and the
- 42:03Aciman app actually affects able
- 42:05one kinase inhibits able one kinase
- 42:08using this mirror style pocket,
- 42:10hence the name specifically
- 42:12targeting the able Morris to pocket.
- 42:15So it works even when mutations
- 42:18like T315Y inhibit ability of the
- 42:21tiki eyes to inhibit able one.
- 42:23Like in this particular situation,
- 42:25in the cartoon you can see that
- 42:27the teising kinase inhibitor
- 42:28cannot attach to the pocket due
- 42:31to change of its confirmation,
- 42:33but a synonym still able to attach to
- 42:35Bristol Pocket inhibiting able one kinase.
- 42:38So this is a phase three study was
- 42:40Simonette versus Design IP in patients
- 42:43with chronic phase CML previously
- 42:45treated with at least two tiki eyes,
- 42:47two different guys and this is
- 42:49an important study because the
- 42:51drug is now undergoing review
- 42:53for approval and I'm hoping that.
- 42:55It will be available as yet
- 42:58another medication to treat chronic
- 43:00myeloid leukemia later this year.
- 43:03So the selection criteria listed and
- 43:06patients were included had chronic
- 43:08phase two or more GIS used before
- 43:11and patients have to change treatment
- 43:14either because they were intolerant
- 43:16or resistant to treatment and so
- 43:19the patients was 2315 I mutation
- 43:21or V299L mutations were excluded
- 43:24because pursuit Nip is not.
- 43:26Active against this mutation.
- 43:28So this is specifically the study which
- 43:31didn't include T315I mutated patients.
- 43:34This particular group of patients was
- 43:37addressed by the Phase One study and
- 43:40the drug is active against the BCR
- 43:43ABL with this particular mutation,
- 43:45so patients were randomized.
- 43:47As you can see in two to one fashion,
- 43:51and the demographics were slightly
- 43:54different in two groups I highlighted.
- 43:57In yellow here that a similar patients
- 43:59there were more men than women.
- 44:02Also in a similar patients,
- 44:04the switch of therapy was less likely
- 44:06to be due to lack of efficacy and more
- 44:09likely due to be taller ability and
- 44:12that basically is characteristic of
- 44:14a group of patients which may be more
- 44:18responsive to the next line of treatment.
- 44:20And finally also in a similar barm
- 44:23less patience than in pursuit.
- 44:25Newbomb received three or more tikis.
- 44:28So this is the primary endpoint of
- 44:30this study which showed improved
- 44:32major molecular response rate at
- 44:3424 weeks at six months,
- 44:36and the difference between two
- 44:39groups was twelve point 2%.
- 44:41So taking into consideration the
- 44:43differences between two groups I
- 44:45showed on previous slide that the
- 44:47logistic regression analysis was done
- 44:49and showed that odds ratios adjusted
- 44:51for those things which were different
- 44:53in two groups were quite similar
- 44:55towards ratios without adjustment,
- 44:56which gives us hope that the improved
- 44:59outcome in a similar treated patients
- 45:01is not related to the difference
- 45:03in the population.
- 45:05So the side effect profiles a lot of
- 45:08patients get different side effects,
- 45:10but overall a similar patients have less
- 45:12side effects than positive treated patients.
- 45:15One thing I would like to highlight
- 45:17here that a similar group there
- 45:19were two deaths related to arterial
- 45:22embolism won an ischemic stroke.
- 45:24Another Iman positive patients.
- 45:25One patient died due to septic
- 45:28shock, so the side effect profile was
- 45:30different, so anemia and thrombo cytopenia.
- 45:33Sorry, Trump said opinion neutropenia were
- 45:35similar in both groups and then GI side
- 45:38effects in the left abnormalities were
- 45:40more common in bosutinib treated patients.
- 45:43So in conclusion, this assemble
- 45:45study was the first control study
- 45:48comparing tikis for treatment.
- 45:50Assistant Intolerant CML
- 45:52population and assimilate,
- 45:53which is first class stamp inhibitor,
- 45:56showed superior efficacy compared with
- 45:59bosutinib with favorable side effect profile,
- 46:02so this is upcoming hopefully.
- 46:06Approved in the near future
- 46:08treatment option for CML patients,
- 46:10particularly with resistant and
- 46:11intolerant disease.
- 46:12After treatment with two different guys.
- 46:15Also, the drug is effective in
- 46:17treating patients with T315I mutation,
- 46:19so moving on to the next study.
- 46:21I wanted to present today you will understand
- 46:24towards the end why pick this particular one?
- 46:28There are a number of drugs where there
- 46:30are a number of drugs being developed
- 46:33in patients with myelofibrosis.
- 46:35I think they're up to 10.
- 46:38A phase three randomized phase
- 46:40three studies in this field.
- 46:43So this particular study presented
- 46:45by John Mascarenhas is about CPI,
- 46:480610.
- 46:49Bromodomain angusta terminal domain
- 46:51protein or BET inhibitor in combination
- 46:54with reflective for Jack inhibitor naive
- 46:57Milo fibrosis patients or manifest study.
- 47:00So one word about bet so bromodomain and
- 47:04extra terminal domain protein promote.
- 47:08Symptoms of Milo fibrosis by
- 47:10activating bet targeted genes leading
- 47:12to increase production of cytokines
- 47:15responsible for inflammation,
- 47:16extramental hematopoiesis,
- 47:17and bone marrow fibrosis.
- 47:19All manifestations of patients with
- 47:22primary myelofibrosis as well as
- 47:25modify process after PD and 80 so the
- 47:28other influence of bat is activations
- 47:31of target genes leading to aberrant
- 47:34erythroid differentiation as well as
- 47:36aberrant megakaryocytic differentiation.
- 47:38And this patients may have an email.
- 47:40Thrombocytopenia,
- 47:41as you know.
- 47:42So CPI 610 inhibits bat and may suppress
- 47:45cytokine production as well as promote
- 47:47erythroid differentiation as well as
- 47:50normalized megakaryocytic differentiation.
- 47:51So let's see how this drug
- 47:53did in this phase two studies.
- 47:56So first of all,
- 47:57the study had three arms,
- 47:59so they are mine going present.
- 48:02Today's I'm three which looked at Jack
- 48:04inhibitor naive patients and use the
- 48:07combination of CPI 610 and Rosslyn.
- 48:09If the other two arms were add on CPI,
- 48:12six dental clinic patients
- 48:14who didn't have full benefit.
- 48:16From Brooklyn balloon treatment
- 48:18and monotherapy with CPI,
- 48:200610,
- 48:20this study was also presented as an
- 48:23abstract as a poster during ash meeting,
- 48:26so I'm three,
- 48:27basically Jack inhibitor naive Milo
- 48:30fibrosis patients who need treatment.
- 48:32They received two drugs,
- 48:33rock Solid Nap standard of care but
- 48:36in additional CPI 0610 better hitter.
- 48:39So this drug better hitter was
- 48:42administered two weeks on two weeks,
- 48:44one week off and.
- 48:47The endpoints which we were looked at was.
- 48:51Spleen volume response 35% spleen
- 48:53world in response at 24 weeks as
- 48:56well as total symptom score 50%.
- 48:58Reduction of symptoms by 24 weeks.
- 49:01So this is primary endpoint which
- 49:03basically it was achieved by 67%
- 49:06of patients so again the drug
- 49:08probably worked a little
- 49:10bit better for patients who are low risk but
- 49:13it was compatible 7273% for intermediate 160.
- 49:16Four 66% for intermediate to high risk
- 49:19based on the IP SS and IP address.
- 49:23Most of the patients cadres, reduction
- 49:25of spleen volume only one had increased.
- 49:28This is out of 70 patients studied,
- 49:30so the second endpoint at the
- 49:32symptoms decreased by 50%.
- 49:34Again, this was seen in 57% of patients.
- 49:37Most of the patients get this clinical
- 49:39benefit in the study at week 24,
- 49:41so one of the interesting finding when
- 49:44you start looks lit up in patients
- 49:46with myelofibrosis you expect a dip
- 49:48in hemoglobin about three points,
- 49:50so here the dip was not as deep.
- 49:53And then, as you can see,
- 49:55hemoglobin improved overtime.
- 49:56In fact, baseline increased a little
- 49:58bit higher than the baseline, so this.
- 50:00Awful actually looks at patients who had
- 50:03hemoglobin more than 10 and less than 10,
- 50:05but didn't require transfusions.
- 50:07And as you can see,
- 50:08after initial small dip there is improvement
- 50:11in anemia in this subgroup of patients,
- 50:13which is quite impressive.
- 50:14So one other thing,
- 50:16at the bone marrow's,
- 50:17their biopsies were done at the
- 50:19beginning as well as during the study
- 50:21and there was improvement in fibrosis.
- 50:23Great in 1/3 of patients and most of
- 50:26the improvements observed were observed
- 50:28during the first six months of treatment.
- 50:30Only two patients get worsening of
- 50:33fibrosis and you can see that there
- 50:35is also a sign that there is improved
- 50:38air throughout differentiation and
- 50:41normalization of megakaryocytic
- 50:43histopathology.
- 50:44So the side effects the CPI 16 in
- 50:47combination with Link was generally
- 50:50well tolerated.
- 50:51So 87% reported at least one
- 50:54treatment emergent adverse event.
- 50:5644% reported, one grade,
- 50:58three treatment emergent adverse event.
- 51:00So the most common ones were
- 51:02haematological and now this was
- 51:04an email from both cytopenia.
- 51:06Of course this may be manifestations
- 51:07of the disease itself,
- 51:09the most common and non human to
- 51:12logic was diarrhea or which was
- 51:14mild moderate Grade 1 two so.
- 51:16Great five were two events.
- 51:18Multiorgan failure with due to
- 51:20sepsis times two.
- 51:21So overall the drug was pretty
- 51:23reasonably well tolerated.
- 51:25The combination of drugs I have
- 51:27to say because we're looking at
- 51:29the side effect profile of two
- 51:31drugs administered together.
- 51:32So finally conclusions 67% of patients
- 51:35achieve CVR 35 comparing to historical phase,
- 51:37three studies simplifying comfort studies.
- 51:39This is looks better even though we
- 51:42cannot compare apples to oranges in
- 51:44those studies with ruxolitinib alone,
- 51:46the response was 28 to 42%.
- 51:4857% in the study achieved improvement
- 51:51and symptoms.
- 51:5150% reduction of symptoms and there
- 51:53were improvement in bone marrow findings
- 51:56suggestive of potential disease modification.
- 51:58So it was well tolerated combination an
- 52:01phase three study is planned and this
- 52:03would be a randomized study for treatment.
- 52:06Naive patients looks lit up
- 52:08against ruxolitinib Sir,
- 52:09plus CPI six 110 versus wrestling
- 52:11plus placebo,
- 52:12which allows crossover down the road.
- 52:15We are planning to open it at Yale this year.
- 52:19So the final study I want to present is PG
- 52:22300 study hepcidin mimetic as you know,
- 52:26hepcidin was discovered about 20 years ago,
- 52:28master regulator why and metabolism
- 52:30with high hepcidin level shutting down
- 52:33for a port and transport of ferritin.
- 52:35And so the reason to use it in polycythemia
- 52:39Vera is of course this patient need
- 52:41phlebotomies as the main part of their
- 52:44treatment which lead to iron deficiency.
- 52:47Perhaps keep citing analog PG 300?
- 52:49Can do this instead by shutting down
- 52:52availability of iron to every throw pesis so
- 52:55eligibility requirement PV diagnosed based
- 52:57on most recent to double check criteria,
- 53:00three phlebotomies in the last six
- 53:02months or more necessary primary endpoint
- 53:04is proportion of patients randomized
- 53:06withdrawal period whose cymatic Rick is
- 53:09maintained without need for phlebotomy.
- 53:10Secondary endpoint response at Week
- 53:1229 as well as improvement in symptoms
- 53:15using MP NTSS. So complicated schema.
- 53:17What we're looking at is just
- 53:20initial phase of this study.
- 53:21First 18.
- 53:22Patients enrolled who went through
- 53:24the first part of the study.
- 53:26Those finding at 28 weeks.
- 53:27There's those escalation,
- 53:28trying to identify how much
- 53:30subcutaneous injections once a week.
- 53:32You need to control phlebotomy
- 53:33and you know when you identify it.
- 53:35You kind of continue with that dose.
- 53:37Then you reach the second part of
- 53:39the study blinded withdrawal.
- 53:41Some patients continue real thing others
- 53:43and switch to placebo to see how it's
- 53:45going to affect the phlebotomy requirement.
- 53:47And finally,
- 53:48there is open label extension so
- 53:50that the report only dealt with
- 53:52this red part of the study.
- 53:54And as you can see in the red
- 53:56dots are phlebotomy requirements.
- 53:58Before initiation of the study,
- 54:00before the 1st dose and then after
- 54:02the first was only three patients
- 54:04required one phlebotomy Chen,
- 54:06those were getting the low level of the
- 54:08medication with which was further escalated.
- 54:11So pretty impressive effectiveness.
- 54:12As you can see,
- 54:14ferritin increasing significantly,
- 54:15showing that iron deficiency is gone.
- 54:17Total symptom score improving with time.
- 54:19And this is subset you know you
- 54:21can see improved concentration,
- 54:23fatigue, itching for writers,
- 54:24and though this is.
- 54:26The scoring system used to assess
- 54:28MPN scores MPN symptoms.
- 54:29We can say that perhaps some of it
- 54:32is related to the fact that iron
- 54:34deficiency is gone because I am
- 54:37deficiency can cause the symptoms
- 54:38as well was well tolerated.
- 54:40More than 90% had drug related adverse
- 54:43events, but all of them were sorry,
- 54:45not more than 90% of those who had
- 54:48adverse events were great one,
- 54:50so I would like to conclude by
- 54:52summarizing this study.
- 54:53It was PG 300 subcutaneously
- 54:55administered once a week,
- 54:56was safe and well tolerated, no Grade 3/4.
- 55:00Adverse events related to treatment.
- 55:02It was effective in eliminating
- 55:04the therapeutic phlebotomy's and
- 55:06reversing iron deficiency impact on
- 55:08previous symptoms is being studied,
- 55:11and this study is also planned
- 55:13for opening at Yell this year.
- 55:16Thank you.
- 55:20Thank you Nikolaj and Rory great
- 55:22talks and I think very important
- 55:24updates from from the meeting
- 55:26since we're a little bit overtime,
- 55:29will actually take 10 minutes
- 55:30beyond 1:00 PM for any questions,
- 55:33but I will start with a question for Doctor.
- 55:36But also as he needs to go out
- 55:39at 1:00 PM for another meeting.
- 55:42Actually two questions.
- 55:43So one of them is.
- 55:45Are there any immediately practice changing
- 55:47updates you take from from the ash meeting?
- 55:51In terms of what we do day today and the
- 55:54second question is from Doctor Isufi,
- 55:57she's asking whether the ampion
- 55:59driver mutations were acquired
- 56:01that were acquired in nutri,
- 56:03worthy, germline or somatic.
- 56:04Also please free to type your
- 56:07questions and if you want to
- 56:09ask live or any can unmute,
- 56:11you just just indicating
- 56:13the chat Nikolai so no immediate
- 56:15practice changing presentations.
- 56:17I think a similar but the
- 56:19drug for CML will be.
- 56:21Changing our practice when the
- 56:23drug and if the drug is approved,
- 56:25which I think should be you
- 56:28know towards the end of 2021,
- 56:30so you know I presented two studies
- 56:32where the drugs are very interesting
- 56:35and for that reason this studies will
- 56:37be available to our patients at Yale.
- 56:40So in regards to the mutations in utero, no.
- 56:43Those are somatic mutations.
- 56:45Those are not germline mutations.
- 56:46This is somatic mutations which acquired.
- 56:50So Doctor God actually follows up on on
- 56:52the CML presentation and he's asking
- 56:54if this drug is actually approved.
- 56:56Does that change your calculation and
- 56:58whether you transplant patients would
- 57:00would CML as they go through multiple
- 57:02tiki eyes and maybe to follow up on that?
- 57:04Like would you put this drug ahead of
- 57:07assertive in your kind of lines of therapy?
- 57:09If the drug is approved?
- 57:11Or how would you approach it?
- 57:13Yeah, so you know,
- 57:14I, I think it's too early to say
- 57:16if this is going to eliminate
- 57:19transplant for some of our patients.
- 57:21So, but yes, you know,
- 57:23based on the study which I presented today,
- 57:26it may be before positive for
- 57:28patients who had two tiki eyes prior.
- 57:31You know, looking at the results here.
- 57:35So unless there are other
- 57:37questions for doctor adults,
- 57:39if I will go to Doctor Challace.
- 57:42So Rory, any immediate practice changing
- 57:45abstracts for what people do to
- 57:47leukemia in their practices right now,
- 57:50whether in the community or in
- 57:52the academic centers that you
- 57:54take out from the ash meeting.
- 57:58Great question. Thanks
- 57:59amarum. I guess I'll kind of piggyback,
- 58:02but Nikolai said I mean at the
- 58:04moment I would say nothing imminent.
- 58:06Clearly some interesting interim data,
- 58:07although not yet practice changing.
- 58:09I'm most interested in the data for Kinetic
- 58:12lacks added to the dual nucleoside therapy.
- 58:14Cladribine motive sutera
- 58:15been alternating with visa.
- 58:17You know, it's hard to argue with 93%
- 58:19CRC or I rate with you know meeting one
- 58:21cycle response and meeting OS not reached.
- 58:24This compares very favorably with you.
- 58:25Know that the data phrase event you know 15
- 58:28months OS on the median OS on Bailey a trial.
- 58:31However,
- 58:32we've learned this year a few times over.
- 58:34Unfortunately,
- 58:35that single arm studies of agents,
- 58:37despite great clinical
- 58:38preclinical rationale, a priority.
- 58:40Or excellent similar data can
- 58:42fall short, so this needs to
- 58:44be confirmed in a randomized study.
- 58:46The same goes for Magnolia Map,
- 58:48which is currently being evaluated
- 58:49in phase three in comparison days,
- 58:51amount of therapy, but the double
- 58:53edged sword you know, pretty
- 58:54exciting preclinical data is
- 58:56very exciting.
- 58:56Single arm data begets more.
- 58:58Add on therapy notes with Phase
- 59:00one trial of triplet with days
- 59:01of medical acts makrolon map.
- 59:03Now Aizen Gilteritinib
- 59:04phonetic lacks, so I mean
- 59:05there's kind of divergent goals
- 59:07here. But to
- 59:08answer your question directly,
- 59:09I'd say nothing that's immediately
- 59:11practice changing, but.
- 59:12Excited for this to be a
- 59:14different conversation,
- 59:15maybe a few months to a year.
- 59:17Yeah, look a lot of exciting
- 59:19agents in development.
- 59:20This is a question from Doctor
- 59:22Isufi about Sabbato Lima.
- 59:24Basically, she's asking whether this
- 59:25targets the leukemia stem cell or does
- 59:28it work as an immune activator and
- 59:30this is a great question arrested.
- 59:32There's there's a lot of
- 59:34ongoing research on this issue,
- 59:35but currently the thinking is
- 59:37that it's a dual targeting drug,
- 59:39meaning that there is direct evidence
- 59:41that it affects the leukemia
- 59:43stem cells by interfering with.
- 59:45One of the leg and that is important for
- 59:47self renewal of the leukemic stem cells,
- 59:50and I think this is an interesting
- 59:52differentiator from other
- 59:53immune checkpoint activators,
- 59:54but there is also clearly data that
- 59:57also activates the immune response
- 59:58at the level of the T cells.
- 01:00:01How do we dissect the clinical
- 01:00:03efficacy in terms of being related
- 01:00:05to one or the other?
- 01:00:07I think it's a question that
- 01:00:09we are currently exploring and
- 01:00:11ongoing clinical trials,
- 01:00:12but I think this would be
- 01:00:14very important to explore.
- 01:00:18I think there's a question here
- 01:00:20from Doctor Gowda about CD 447.
- 01:00:23Inhibition is asking whether CD 47 inhibition
- 01:00:26does not cause many immune side effects.
- 01:00:29Thoughts, this is actually a good question.
- 01:00:32I will let also really give his his insight.
- 01:00:35I think this is one of the
- 01:00:39important things in terms of like.
- 01:00:42Issue related to like single arm
- 01:00:45studies and needing to know more data
- 01:00:48so CD 47 is actually expressed in most
- 01:00:51of their cells in in the normal body.
- 01:00:54However, they seem to be overexpressed
- 01:00:57by the leukemia cells and the idea here
- 01:01:00is that you're exploring a therapeutic
- 01:01:03window where using the CD 47 you are
- 01:01:06preferentially targeting the leukemia cells.
- 01:01:08However, because City 47 is also
- 01:01:11expressed on. Red blood cells.
- 01:01:13We do see hemolytic anemia,
- 01:01:15and some of those patients which
- 01:01:17can be actually quite severe and it
- 01:01:19has to be managed quite carefully,
- 01:01:21especially during the initial phases.
- 01:01:23And This is why they prime this drug
- 01:01:26and carefully monitor patients, it, etc.
- 01:01:28But I think it's a very good question
- 01:01:31about why no activity against other
- 01:01:33CD 47 expressing cells are being seen.
- 01:01:35I think what's gonna tell us really?
- 01:01:38The answer is once we see randomized
- 01:01:41data and try to.
- 01:01:42You know,
- 01:01:43explore whether some of the things
- 01:01:44that get attributed to the disease,
- 01:01:46for example,
- 01:01:47are really disease related or some kind
- 01:01:49of subtle immune related adverse events.
- 01:01:51But I think what is clear.
- 01:01:54Is we are not seeing the typical
- 01:01:56immune adverse effects that are seen
- 01:01:58with the PD one or CTL A4 type of
- 01:02:00drugs such as pneumonitis colitis.
- 01:02:02It doesn't seem that this is commonly
- 01:02:04seen or or do you have any additional
- 01:02:06insights on this that was very well said?
- 01:02:08I mean,
- 01:02:09I think the key
- 01:02:10points are the transient,
- 01:02:11presumed immune mediated hemolytic anemia,
- 01:02:13which really is why do you know the
- 01:02:15priming dose is sort of incorporated,
- 01:02:17but I think you're right.
- 01:02:18I mean, there's some element of
- 01:02:20specificity for those cells on
- 01:02:22which CD 47 is just enriched.
- 01:02:24Which happens to be within cells,
- 01:02:26and I mean outside of like you said,
- 01:02:28subtle or maybe even delayed
- 01:02:30immune IR A ES that sort of thing.
- 01:02:32And I think we have what median
- 01:02:34fourteen 1516 months of follow up?
- 01:02:36I mean, maybe there are delayed
- 01:02:37events that did not yet occurred,
- 01:02:39but I think it comes down to
- 01:02:41specificity and more of a different
- 01:02:43mechanism of action comparison.
- 01:02:44So you know more of
- 01:02:46a direct cell effect.
- 01:02:48Thank you so much for a
- 01:02:50few minutes past hour.
- 01:02:52Be very cognizant of the time.
- 01:02:54On a Friday afternoon,
- 01:02:55I'd like to thank everybody who
- 01:02:57joined us for for this session and if
- 01:02:59there are any additional questions,
- 01:03:01feel free how to free to
- 01:03:03email their speakers directly.
- 01:03:04Thank you so much and looking
- 01:03:06forward to seeing you next week with
- 01:03:09their next session next Friday.
- 01:03:10Have a great weekend everyone.
- 01:03:12Thank you.