Yale ASH 2021 Highlights: Classical Hematology
March 04, 2022Information
Hosted by: Dr. Robert Bona
Presentations by: Drs. Kelsey Martin, Alex Pine, and Sudhanshu Mulay
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- 00:00Welcome to the Yale Ash 2021 highlights.
- 00:06My name is Bob Bone.
- 00:07I'm one of the hematologist at Yale,
- 00:09and I'm happy to facilitate
- 00:11this session today.
- 00:12As we are focusing on some of the important
- 00:16abstracts from the previous ash meeting
- 00:19relating relating to classical hematology.
- 00:21And today we have 3 presenters who will
- 00:24each present abstracts for about 15 minutes.
- 00:27We'll take questions at the end of the
- 00:29session and they should be entered
- 00:30into the chat room or to the Q&A.
- 00:32Before we start, let me take a
- 00:35moment to introduce our presenters.
- 00:38First Kelsey Martin,
- 00:39who is an assistant professor in clinical
- 00:42medicine at the Yale School of Medicine,
- 00:44and she practices hematology oncology
- 00:46at the Orange Care Center and has a
- 00:49special interest in classical hematology,
- 00:51and particularly the intersection
- 00:53of obstetrical care and hematology.
- 00:55Doctor Sudhanshu Mulay who is the
- 00:58medical director of the anticoagulation
- 01:00clinic at Saint Francis Hospital
- 01:03and Medical Center and he also has
- 01:06a strong interest in classical
- 01:07hematology and transfusion medicine.
- 01:09He's an assistant professor of medicine
- 01:11at the University of Connecticut.
- 01:13And then finally Doctor Alex Pine,
- 01:16who's assistant professor of medicine
- 01:18and hematology at the VA Medical Center.
- 01:22He and his colleagues have done
- 01:24significant work over the past few years,
- 01:26detailing the mechanisms of
- 01:30COVID Coagulopathy.
- 01:31So without further ado,
- 01:33I'll introduce Doctor Martin and
- 01:34let her begin the presentations.
- 01:40Great, thank you so much.
- 01:52Good afternoon everyone.
- 01:54Is my volume OK? Correct, alright,
- 01:57I'm going to be discussing A3 abstracts
- 02:00relating to bleeding disorders.
- 02:04First, abstract is titled efficacy and
- 02:07safety of the two Serin prophylaxis,
- 02:10a small molecule RNA interference
- 02:13therapeutic in a multicenter phase.
- 02:15Three study called Atlas I NH in people
- 02:19with hemophilia A or B with inhibitors.
- 02:22This was presented at the plenary
- 02:24scientific session by Doctor Gayoung
- 02:26from University of Southern California.
- 02:311st, I'll provide some background.
- 02:33Hemophilia A&B are rare bleeding
- 02:35disorders that are characterized
- 02:37by ineffective clot formation,
- 02:39largely due to impaired thrombin generation.
- 02:41As a result of severe
- 02:43deficiency of factor 8 and 9.
- 02:46Currently our standard of care largely
- 02:49relies on replacing the missing factor.
- 02:51There is a high rate of development
- 02:54of anti factor inhibitors which
- 02:55is up to about 30% in some of our
- 02:58patients with hemophilia A and about
- 03:005% of the patients with hemophilia B.
- 03:05Subcutaneous fat isran
- 03:06is a novel therapeutic.
- 03:08It's a small molecule RNA
- 03:11interference therapeutic that acts
- 03:13by binding and degrading at the M
- 03:15RNA which encodes for antithrombin,
- 03:17thereby partially silencing
- 03:19the expression of antithrombin.
- 03:22This rebalances hemostasis and
- 03:24restores thrombin generation in
- 03:26patients with hemophilia or A
- 03:29and has been demonstrated to be
- 03:31effective in patients with or
- 03:33without inhibitors as I'll discuss.
- 03:35This study demonstrated that
- 03:37prophylactic use of the two
- 03:39strands significantly reduced
- 03:41annualized bleeding rates,
- 03:43which is essentially bleeding
- 03:44events on an annual basis in
- 03:47patients with hemophilia A or
- 03:49hemophilia B that have inhibitors,
- 03:51and demonstrated both efficacy
- 03:54and safety data.
- 03:56In this study,
- 03:5757 patients were randomized,
- 03:582 to one in an open label phase.
- 04:00Three trial patients were
- 04:02males over the age of 12,
- 04:05again with either hemophilia A or B,
- 04:07with with inhibitors,
- 04:08and these were patients that
- 04:10had been receiving on demand
- 04:12treatment with bypassing agents
- 04:14for Blake breakthrough bleeding.
- 04:18There was 38 patients in the phase, two
- 04:20Syrian group and the dosing of this medic.
- 04:22This is a subcutaneous therapy that
- 04:24was given at 80 milligrams once a
- 04:27month versus 19 patients in the
- 04:30on demand bypassing Agent Group.
- 04:32They were followed.
- 04:33The primary endpoint was looking at annual
- 04:35bleeding rate in the efficacy period,
- 04:37which was nine months.
- 04:40Secondary endpoints looked at
- 04:42spontaneous bleeding rates,
- 04:44joints, bleeds,
- 04:45quality of life metrics,
- 04:47which by a validated quality of life
- 04:50tool and also frequency of the bleeding
- 04:53episodes that happened in the onset period,
- 04:55which was the first month of therapy as
- 04:57well as safety and tolerability data.
- 05:03And and this was demonstrated
- 05:05to be extremely effective
- 05:06in the future and patients.
- 05:08So you can see here on this first
- 05:10line the median annual annualized
- 05:12bleeding rate was actually 0.
- 05:17The estimated rate was 1.7 versus
- 05:21in the bypassing agent group.
- 05:23The median annualized bleeding rate was 16.8.
- 05:28And there was actually the median
- 05:31for spontaneous bleeds with zero
- 05:32in the future and category.
- 05:34There was also demonstration
- 05:36of significant quality of life
- 05:38improvements based on the validated
- 05:40quality of life screening tool.
- 05:44And it was effective in both
- 05:47patients with hemophilia A and
- 05:49in patients with hemophilia B.
- 05:51And we can see that 29 patients.
- 05:55And we received for two strand
- 05:57in the hemophilia A category
- 05:59and nine patients received it
- 06:01in the hemophilia B category.
- 06:02And again this is compared with
- 06:05the second second line here.
- 06:07But patient to receive that
- 06:09bypassing agent only with a
- 06:11very significant P value.
- 06:15Overall, the agent was well tolerated,
- 06:18although the main side effect of
- 06:21special interest was thrombotic events.
- 06:24Uhm? There was no deaths of any
- 06:29kind in either group of note.
- 06:32Of the patients that had thrombotic events,
- 06:34the authors reported that that
- 06:36occurred in some patients that
- 06:38seemed to have the antithrombin
- 06:39levels at the lower end of the range
- 06:41and seen some as low as 10 to 20%,
- 06:43and which is what they attributed to and
- 06:46only one patient who had a thrombotic
- 06:49event ended up coming off study,
- 06:50and this was a patient who had
- 06:53a thrombosis in a spinal vein.
- 06:56Other side effects were increases
- 06:59in transaminases,
- 07:00but the authors reported that this did not
- 07:02impact any of the treatment scheduling,
- 07:04and no patients had to come off trial for
- 07:06any changes in hepatic enzyme changes.
- 07:14So the conclusions were that the two
- 07:17Serin had significant improvements
- 07:19in the treatment arm compared with
- 07:21the on demand bypassing agents.
- 07:24And this is seen as somewhat of a
- 07:26game changer in the sense that it's
- 07:28given monthly and subcutaneous,
- 07:29which is a tremendous change in
- 07:31compared to the current standard
- 07:33of practice where patients are
- 07:35needing intravenous therapies and.
- 07:37In a much higher frequency.
- 07:40Nearly 2/3 of the patients treated with
- 07:42fattoush Rand had zero treated bleeds,
- 07:44and the mean median annualized
- 07:46bleeding rate was zero.
- 07:48And of note,
- 07:49this is also efficacious in both
- 07:51patients with hemophilia and hemophilia
- 07:53B and its patients with hemophilia
- 07:55B have really had not had similar
- 07:57prophylactic similar prophylactic
- 07:59options as our hemophilia A patients.
- 08:01So creating a new sort of treatment
- 08:05approach 7 patients in the treatment
- 08:07arm had at least one adverse event,
- 08:10including.
- 08:10The four thrombotic events and
- 08:11one of those patients did require
- 08:13withdrawal from this study.
- 08:18That concludes my discussion
- 08:19in the first abstract,
- 08:20and I'll move on to the second.
- 08:22The second abstract was titled
- 08:24rate of prolonged response after
- 08:26stopping THROMBOPOIETIN receptor
- 08:28agonist treatment in primary
- 08:30immune thrombocytopenia results
- 08:32from a nationwide prospective
- 08:34multicenter interventional study.
- 08:36And this was out of France.
- 08:43Some background information.
- 08:45There's been several retrospective
- 08:46studies and a recent prospective
- 08:48study that reported unexpected cases
- 08:51of durable remission after TPO
- 08:53receptor agonist were discontinued
- 08:54in adult patients with ITP.
- 08:56This has been seen in up to up
- 08:58to 30% of these patients.
- 09:00However, it felt that perhaps some of
- 09:03the newly diagnosed ITP cases in which
- 09:05such spontaneous remissions occurred,
- 09:07may may have been included
- 09:08in most of these studies.
- 09:12So the question this study has is what
- 09:15proportion of patients with either
- 09:17persistent or chronic phase ITP and no
- 09:20recent exposure to any potentially curative
- 09:23therapy such as splenectomy or rituximab,
- 09:25achieve a long term remission off
- 09:28treatment at 24 weeks and 52 weeks.
- 09:31After having on at least three months
- 09:33of their TPO receptor agonist exposure,
- 09:36who had a complete response
- 09:38and persistent phase,
- 09:39ITP is is defined as those with
- 09:42ITP between 3 and 12 months,
- 09:44whereas chronic phases lasting for beyond 12.
- 09:48Months, so the inclusion criteria.
- 09:51So again, this was a nationwide prospective
- 09:53multicenter interventional study.
- 09:55The inclusion criteria included
- 09:56patients over the age of 18 with either
- 09:59persistent or chronic primary ITP.
- 10:02They needed to have a stable
- 10:04complete response,
- 10:04which was defined as a platelet
- 10:06count of more than 100,000 for more
- 10:08than two months on their on their
- 10:11TPO RA therapy and they needed to
- 10:13have been on treatment with their
- 10:15TPO RA for at least three months.
- 10:17Exclusion criteria was patients
- 10:19who are on either anticoagulation
- 10:21or antiplatelet therapy.
- 10:23A patient who had previously failed the
- 10:25TPRA agent and the patient could not
- 10:28have been receiving any concomitant
- 10:30steroid or cortico steroid or IVIG,
- 10:33and they could not have had Rituxan mab,
- 10:35nor splenectomy within either the
- 10:36two months preceding or after
- 10:38initiation of their TPO or RA therapy.
- 10:43And the patients underwent a progressive
- 10:46dose reduction and they had to.
- 10:48There are TPO therapy or a therapy
- 10:50had to be stopped by 10 weeks and
- 10:53they proposed a method whether
- 10:54it was a Rama, Plasty, Morrell,
- 10:56Trumbo bag of of a protocol of how to how
- 11:00to taper off their doses accordingly.
- 11:02And if a patient relapsed during
- 11:04after this discontinuation,
- 11:05the decision to start a new therapy was
- 11:07left at every investigators discretion,
- 11:09and so the primary endpoint was
- 11:11what was the proportion of patients
- 11:13who achieved an overall response,
- 11:15which was defined as CR plus R
- 11:17at week 20 at week 24.
- 11:18So six months afterwards,
- 11:20and the secondary outcomes looked at those,
- 11:22the overall response rate after
- 11:24a year or 52 weeks, they look.
- 11:26I didn't looked at patients
- 11:27who had bleeding events,
- 11:28and they aimed to try to identify
- 11:30any predictive factors to see which
- 11:32patients might be those who achieve.
- 11:34Such an overall prolonged response.
- 11:39So 49 patients which included a 30
- 11:44females with either persistent.
- 11:45There was an end of two
- 11:47or chronic and a 47 ITP.
- 11:49The median age of 58.5 years were evaluated
- 11:53in this two year period over 22 centers.
- 11:5640 of the patients had received
- 11:59eltrombopag and nine around the plastic.
- 12:01And intention to treat analysis
- 12:0456.2% so 27 of the 48 patients
- 12:07achieving the primary endpoint
- 12:09achieved the primary endpoint and
- 12:12maintained an overall response at 24
- 12:14weeks after TPO RA discontinuation.
- 12:16And of those, half of those,
- 12:18essentially 55 percent, 15 of those,
- 12:2027 had a complete response,
- 12:23which again is defined as a
- 12:25platelet count over 100,000.
- 12:27Bleeding events did occur in 61.9% of
- 12:30the patients and 65.2% of the patients
- 12:33who did relapse at the 24 week and 50.
- 12:39Should be weeks or 52 weeks with the median
- 12:41platelet count of 31,000 at that time.
- 12:44No severe bleeding episodes occurred.
- 12:49And they could not identify any
- 12:52predictive factors. Neither age.
- 12:53Which agent the patient had,
- 12:55how long they'd had.
- 12:56ITP none of these things were
- 12:58able to predict which patients
- 12:59were those who were going to
- 13:01achieve such a sustained response.
- 13:03So the conclusions of this was
- 13:05that after 52 weeks and this is
- 13:07you can seen by the diagram on the
- 13:09right hand side after after TPR,
- 13:11a discontinuation overall response was
- 13:14seen in about half of these patients,
- 13:1752.1% for those who did relapse.
- 13:20The median time of relapsing after
- 13:22tapering was at about 8 weeks,
- 13:24but the majority of those actually
- 13:25happened within the first two weeks,
- 13:27and none of those patients who
- 13:29relapsed developed severe bleeding.
- 13:33In among 21 patients who did
- 13:36relapse before week 2413,
- 13:37of those were able to be re challenged
- 13:39with their TPO RA and they were still
- 13:42able to achieve a complete response
- 13:44with a medium time of two weeks.
- 13:48So the conclusion is that there was a
- 13:50high rate of sustained off treatment
- 13:52remission after TPO RA discontinuation
- 13:54in patients with chronic ITP who had
- 13:57initially achieved at stable CR.
- 13:58They were unable to die and identify a
- 14:01predictive factor of which patients were
- 14:03would achieve such a lasting remission.
- 14:06But this study strongly supports use
- 14:08of a progressive tapering off of the
- 14:10dose of TPRS and patients who do
- 14:11achieve a stable CR on treatment.
- 14:13And there may be opportunity for us
- 14:15to be able to discontinue therapy
- 14:16in such patients.
- 14:21The last abstract I'll discuss
- 14:23was called obstetric obstetrical
- 14:24and perioperative management of
- 14:26patients with factor 11 deficiency.
- 14:28A retrospective observational study.
- 14:33In the background information
- 14:35data regarding obstetrical and
- 14:37perioperative management of
- 14:38factor 11 deficiency is scarce.
- 14:42And the question at hand is,
- 14:43can we create a database of such patients
- 14:46and identify factors associated with
- 14:47increased increased bleeding risk in
- 14:50patients with factor 11 deficiency
- 14:52during childbirth or surgery?
- 14:53And this was presented by Doctor
- 14:55Hanna from the Icahn School
- 14:56of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
- 15:01So they did a retrospective chart
- 15:02review of patients with factor 11
- 15:04deficiency who underwent either
- 15:06childbirth or surgical procedures over
- 15:08a 10 year period within the Mount Sinai
- 15:10health care system in New York City,
- 15:12and they collected data on age, sex,
- 15:15ethnicity, genotype, family history,
- 15:17personal history of bleeding.
- 15:19The type of anesthesia used the
- 15:21estimated blood loss and any evidence
- 15:23of of periprocedural bleeding
- 15:25which patients needed blood product
- 15:27administration and which product
- 15:29which patients needed hemostatic
- 15:31agents in the perioperative period,
- 15:34they defined a bleeding endpoint as acute
- 15:37postpartum or post operative hemorrhage,
- 15:39or any bleeding that warranted
- 15:41non prophylactic administration
- 15:43of pack red blood cells.
- 15:45FFP or tranexamic acid.
- 15:48They performed a logistic regression
- 15:49to test for the association
- 15:51between either historical,
- 15:52laboratory and procedural variables
- 15:54with the bleeding endpoint.
- 15:58So overall, 198 patients were evaluated
- 16:01who had undergone 252 procedures in total.
- 16:05This included 143 vaginal
- 16:07deliveries in 64 city sections
- 16:09and 45 other surgical procedures.
- 16:1238 of the 252 procedures did
- 16:15result in bleeding complications,
- 16:17and they found that both a prior
- 16:19history of bleeding and a lower
- 16:21factor 11 levels were independently
- 16:23associated with the bleeding endpoint.
- 16:28Interestingly, 8 out of 21 patients,
- 16:3138% who suffered a bleeding complication.
- 16:34This happened despite prophylactic FFP.
- 16:38The mean factor level level for
- 16:40with patients who receive neuraxial
- 16:42anesthesia was 50 units per deciliter.
- 16:45In five patients with a
- 16:47negative bleeding history,
- 16:48despite surgical challenges,
- 16:49we're actually able to receive
- 16:52neuraxial anesthesia effector
- 16:53level levels less than 10 and
- 16:55without any bleeding complications,
- 16:57and only one of these had
- 16:59received prophylactic FFP.
- 17:05So their conclusions were that a personal
- 17:07history of bleeding was the strongest
- 17:10predictor of perioperative or obstetrical
- 17:11bleeding and and that personal history of
- 17:14bleeding was was actually defined as just
- 17:16one one report of heavy menstrual period
- 17:18or bleeding in the operative period.
- 17:20It just took sort of one one event in time to
- 17:23define a personal history of bleeding factor.
- 17:2611 levels were found to correlate with a
- 17:28slightly slightly lower but statistically
- 17:30significant odds of surgical bleeding,
- 17:32and they found that a factor
- 17:3411 level cutoff of 40 units per
- 17:36deciliter may predict bleeding risk.
- 17:37With reasonable specificity at
- 17:4083% but lacked sensitivity,
- 17:41they also found that factor 11
- 17:44levels are stable during pregnancy,
- 17:46as demonstrated by the diagram
- 17:48on the bottom right,
- 17:50showing that repeat measurements
- 17:51may not be necessary,
- 17:52which is something commonly done in practice,
- 17:56and they also found that neuraxial anesthesia
- 17:58appeared to be safe to use in this cohort,
- 18:01which clinically is a question
- 18:03that comes up frequently.
- 18:04Hey, thank you for your time.
- 18:07Forward to hearing from our next speaker,
- 18:09Doctor Malik.
- 18:13Thanks, Kelsey.
- 18:26Right, thank you for the
- 18:29opportunity to talk today.
- 18:31I'm going to focus on thrombosis,
- 18:34so I'm hoping to present three
- 18:36studies that I found of interest.
- 18:40Have one focus study and then as
- 18:42time permits and go through the
- 18:45other two studies with quickly.
- 18:47The focus state I would I would
- 18:49like to present is 1 listed here
- 18:52by Murs ET al from the Brigham
- 18:55and Women's Hospital in Boston who
- 18:58looked at anticoagulation use and
- 19:00outcomes among patients with atrial
- 19:03fibrillation and vanilla brand disease.
- 19:07Oral presentation.
- 19:09The background is that estimated
- 19:12prevalence of symptomatic 1 willibrand
- 19:15disease is about one in 1000.
- 19:18It is estimated that.
- 19:21Patients with one milligram
- 19:23disease have similar prevalence
- 19:25of atrial fibrillation as general
- 19:27population is about .84%.
- 19:30The American College of Cardiology
- 19:32recommends using anticoagulation for those
- 19:34with atrial fibrillation who have chads,
- 19:37vascor of two or greater in men
- 19:39or three or greater in women.
- 19:41The recent ash ISTHNHF&W SH guidelines
- 19:48recommend using anticoagulation or
- 19:51antiplatelet therapy as clinically indicated.
- 19:54It was a suggestion with low certainty
- 19:57of evidence and importantly when
- 19:59I looked into the the actual.
- 20:04Basis of this recommendation,
- 20:06it was based on a case series of about
- 20:0960 patients or really low quality data.
- 20:14So this the study that was
- 20:16presented was a retrospective study
- 20:18in which data was obtained from
- 20:21the Electronic medical records.
- 20:23Patient was selected if they had
- 20:25a diagnosis of 1 lip and disease
- 20:27noticed or seeking cofactor activity
- 20:29or any abnormal one will event factor
- 20:32measurements and also selected for those
- 20:35who had diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.
- 20:38The primary endpoint was rate of major
- 20:40bleeding as defined by the IST criteria,
- 20:43which is fatal.
- 20:44Bleeding, bleeding in critical
- 20:46organs or bleeding causing more
- 20:48than two grams of two grams per DL,
- 20:51drop in hemoglobin or more than two
- 20:54units of red blood cell transfusion.
- 20:55Sorry with the typo.
- 20:58The results were that patients in
- 21:02tribulation patients were between
- 21:05diagnosed between 1980 and 2020.
- 21:09For 340,
- 21:10patients were screened and
- 21:1189 patients were selected.
- 21:13For the final analysis.
- 21:15Out of those 64 patients were female,
- 21:1828% patients were deceased at
- 21:20the time of the data pool.
- 21:22Medium Chance Best Score was three and 89,
- 21:26so close to 90% had a score of two or higher.
- 21:30A third of the patients also had
- 21:32a quote acute coronary syndrome,
- 21:34which the authors lumped together
- 21:36STEMI non STEMI and Angela.
- 21:41In the in the figure over here as we can see,
- 21:4542.7% of the patients in the
- 21:48study were on aspirin or they
- 21:50were ever prescribed aspirin.
- 21:52About 13.4% of the patients were ever
- 21:57prescribed P2Y2 inhibitors and 56.2%
- 22:01were ever prescribed an anticoagulant.
- 22:05The green color represents people
- 22:08with antiplatelet agents who also had
- 22:12diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome.
- 22:14About 1/4 of the patients were
- 22:17never prescribed any anticoagulant
- 22:19or antiplatelet agent.
- 22:23In these two graphs we can see the
- 22:26median time to 1st bleeding event
- 22:28on the left we have antiplatelet
- 22:31agents and on the right it's
- 22:33anticoagulants as we can see in both.
- 22:36It looked like the the median or
- 22:40the time taken for median first
- 22:42meeting was greater than 15 years.
- 22:44For both of these study groups.
- 22:49Just going into the raw numbers,
- 22:5310.2 events per hundred patient years.
- 22:56So the rate of major bleeding was
- 22:5810.2 events per hundred patient years.
- 22:59For those on platelet agents,
- 23:028.9 events per hundred person years.
- 23:05For those on anticoagulants
- 23:07without any statistical
- 23:08difference between the two groups.
- 23:10Baseline risk of bleeding was one
- 23:12event per hundred patient years,
- 23:15so these were the patients who
- 23:17never got antiplatelet therapy
- 23:19or anticoagulant therapy.
- 23:21Concomitant anticoagulant and
- 23:22antiplatelet agents resulted in
- 23:24much higher risk of bleeding,
- 23:26which was about 28 events
- 23:28per hundred patient years.
- 23:30The lifetime risk of major beating was
- 23:33also calculated by the investigators,
- 23:35which was 32% in those who were
- 23:39ever prescribed anticoagulants,
- 23:41and 25.6% who were never
- 23:44prescribed anticoagulants,
- 23:45and there was no statistical
- 23:47difference between the two groups.
- 23:51Looking at the stroke risk,
- 23:52the incidence of stroke was
- 23:55about 15 point 7%. And notably,
- 23:5811 out of the 14 patients had
- 24:00never used and equivalent for more
- 24:02than sorry had not been prescribed
- 24:05anticoagulant for 90 days or more.
- 24:08The median chance best score was
- 24:09three in those who had stroke.
- 24:14And and also those who are
- 24:17not anti quietly therapy.
- 24:19One of those patients who had
- 24:21a stroke had a fatal stroke.
- 24:26So the authors concluded that 50% of
- 24:28the patients in their study group
- 24:31were ever prescribed anticoagulant.
- 24:34There was no benefit in choosing anti
- 24:37platelet therapy or anticoagulant therapy
- 24:39if bleeding rate is taken into account.
- 24:43There was no difference in lifetime
- 24:44risk of bleeding in those who were
- 24:47prescribed anticoagulants versus those
- 24:48who were not prescribed anticoagulants.
- 24:51Limited use of anticoagulant and antiplatelet
- 24:54therapy has much higher risk of bleeding,
- 24:57which is not surprising and 57% of
- 25:01patients had thromboembolic strokes.
- 25:03Most of those who were not therapy.
- 25:07So my take away from this study
- 25:08was that it was one of the largest
- 25:11studies looking specifically at this
- 25:13population of one will appendices.
- 25:15Individuals who also have April fibrillation.
- 25:18It was a retrospective study,
- 25:19so has its own limitations,
- 25:21but it still provides one of the
- 25:24largest studies or largest evidence,
- 25:27which makes us probably feel a little
- 25:29bit more comfortable using anticoagulant
- 25:31in these patients with appropriate risk.
- 25:34Assessment of bleeding.
- 25:37Oftentimes antiplatelet agents are
- 25:40prescribed over antique violence as
- 25:42a way to reduce the risk of bleeding,
- 25:44but this study sort of makes
- 25:47us doubt that assumption.
- 25:48Details of 1 milligram disease
- 25:51subtypes were missing,
- 25:52and as we know,
- 25:54the severity of lung disease or
- 25:56the type of 1 disease could make a
- 25:58difference to the bleeding risk.
- 26:00We also have noted recently that
- 26:03ristocetin cofactor activity may not
- 26:05be appropriate to diagnose patients
- 26:07with type 21 blip and disease,
- 26:09so some of those individuals were
- 26:11typed as one group and disease back
- 26:13in the previous years may actually
- 26:15not have one web and disease.
- 26:18Similarly,
- 26:18practice patterns for A-fib management
- 26:20as well as the choice of anticoagulation
- 26:23has changed quite a bit since 1980s,
- 26:26so that would certainly people founder.
- 26:31We're gonna move on to the next.
- 26:34So this was a man and also an
- 26:38oral presentation.
- 26:39Presented on behalf of Doctor Connors.
- 26:44It was it was a meta analysis of
- 26:47direct oral anticoagulants versus low
- 26:49molecular weight heparin for treatment
- 26:52of cancer associated thrombus.
- 26:57In the in this study, the authors
- 27:00looked at 6 randomized control trials.
- 27:04The. This was an update to
- 27:07the previous meta analysis,
- 27:08which had four of these trials
- 27:10mentioned over here. The top four.
- 27:12So the two bottom ones were
- 27:14included in this meta analysis,
- 27:16so there were a total of 3690 patients
- 27:20out of which 1850 got direct oral
- 27:23anticoagulants and 1840 got local.
- 27:28The authors looked at the risk of
- 27:31recurrent venous from embolism,
- 27:32and it favored use of
- 27:35direct oral anticoagulants.
- 27:37Incidence rate of recurrent VTE was 5.5%.
- 27:43In the electrolytic group
- 27:44and eight point 3% in the low
- 27:47molecular Weight Heparin group.
- 27:50With the risk ratio of .67 favoring director.
- 27:57Risk of major bleeding was about
- 27:59the same in the two groups,
- 28:02so the incidence was four point 3%
- 28:05in the direct oral anticoagulants
- 28:06group and three point 7% in the low
- 28:09molecular Weight Heparin group.
- 28:11And statistically, there was no
- 28:13difference between the two groups.
- 28:14The clinically non the clinically
- 28:18relevant non major bleeding.
- 28:20Favored use of heparin,
- 28:22so it was the incidence was 9.5%
- 28:28of this bleeding in the direct or
- 28:31anticoagulant group and five point 7% in
- 28:33the low molecular weight heparin group.
- 28:35The risk was 1.6 and statistically favoring
- 28:38low molecular weight heparin group.
- 28:43All 'cause mortality was
- 28:44similar in the two groups.
- 28:47The conclusions drawn from this study
- 28:50of from this paralysis for that to
- 28:53act significantly reduce the risk of
- 28:55recurrent VTE compared with heparin,
- 28:57without increasing the
- 28:59risk of major bleeding.
- 29:01However, use of direct oral
- 29:03anticoagulants was associated
- 29:04with increased risk of clinically
- 29:06relevant non major bleeding.
- 29:10Finally, the last oral study that I
- 29:14would like to present was about impact
- 29:18of race and ethnicity on cancer,
- 29:20associated thrombosis among
- 29:22underserved patients with cancer.
- 29:24This was an oral presentation
- 29:26presented by Doctor Decosta.
- 29:30In this study, a retrospective
- 29:33analysis was done and the investigators
- 29:38identified 9353 patients.
- 29:41After those, 49.3% were Hispanics,
- 29:4527.6% were non Hispanic blacks,
- 29:4850.5% were non Hispanic
- 29:50whites and 7.6% were passed.
- 29:53Islanders interestingly,
- 29:5774.7% were uninsured, and.
- 30:01The reason for this was the
- 30:03study was primarily focused on a
- 30:05safety net hospital in Houston,
- 30:07which has this demographic of population.
- 30:11The incidence of cancer associated
- 30:13thrombosis was seven point,
- 30:153% at six months and 9.6% at 12 months.
- 30:19Of previous studies which
- 30:21have looked at this,
- 30:22which were primarily focused
- 30:25on Caucasian population,
- 30:26the risk at 12 months is much lower,
- 30:30about 2.3%.
- 30:30So something to keep in mind.
- 30:35On the graph on the left,
- 30:37we can see, as expected,
- 30:39pancreatic upper GI where the OR
- 30:42patients with pancreatic or upper GI
- 30:44cancers were the ones with highest
- 30:47risk of cancer associated thrombosis.
- 30:49The interesting part was the top.
- 30:51Sorry, the bottom right figure where
- 30:54we can see that non Hispanic black
- 30:57population and non Hispanic white
- 31:00population seem to have similar
- 31:02cumulative incidence of cancer
- 31:04associated thrombosis at 12 months.
- 31:06While Hispanic population and Asian
- 31:10population seem to have a lower risk,
- 31:13so this contradicts what we have
- 31:16traditionally known about thrombosis,
- 31:18which is reported to be higher in
- 31:23individuals with black ancestry.
- 31:25And Hispanic population have
- 31:27been traditionally known to have
- 31:28a lower risk of thrombosis,
- 31:30so that is congruent with that knowledge.
- 31:36When the authors did the
- 31:38multivariable analysis,
- 31:39they again found Hispanic race
- 31:42and Asian race were to have an
- 31:46impact on the risk of getting
- 31:48cancer associated thrombosis.
- 31:52The conclusions drawn were
- 31:54higher incidence of cancer.
- 31:55Associated thrombosis was noted
- 31:57compared to the European registries.
- 32:00Non Hispanic blacks had similar
- 32:03incidence of cancer associated
- 32:05thrombosis to non Hispanic whites.
- 32:08Hispanic and Asian Pacific Islanders
- 32:09had a lower risk of cancer associated
- 32:12thrombosis compared to non Hispanic
- 32:14whites and non Hispanic black population.
- 32:17And treatment with chemotherapy
- 32:19or immunotherapy associated.
- 32:21It would help you or immunotherapy was
- 32:24associated with increased risk of thrombosis.
- 32:27That concludes my talk.
- 32:33You said that she.
- 32:48I'm just gonna start my groups.
- 32:53The right one.
- 33:02Hopefully this is the right one.
- 33:05Alright, I'm so let me just start moving.
- 33:10OK so hello buddy and Alex Pine and I
- 33:15wanted to briefly briefly everybody
- 33:18on 3 potentially 4 abstracts.
- 33:21If we have time and.
- 33:25The first three are sort of have
- 33:28this ITP flavor and a couple
- 33:30of them has kovid color,
- 33:32so the first one is actually the
- 33:36first two kind of have the same motif,
- 33:39and they both studies actually looked into.
- 33:45What happens to patients with
- 33:47persisting thermoset opinion
- 33:49when they receive COVID that
- 33:52vaccines and so the first study?
- 33:56Which was out of Cornell.
- 33:59Essentially they were operating
- 34:01on the premise that play,
- 34:04let's play play quite a bit of
- 34:07a role in immune immune system.
- 34:11And also in their cohort,
- 34:15different cohort but in their center
- 34:17thrust opinion happened in 27% of
- 34:21patients with just COVID-19, so they.
- 34:24Actually postulated,
- 34:25or at least developed the concept further.
- 34:30That in COVID-19,
- 34:32especially severe COVID-19, there's a a.
- 34:35This is normal glycosylation of the
- 34:37spike protein antibodies is is a
- 34:40prothrombotic signal for platelets,
- 34:41especially through.
- 34:46Direct receptor these complexes of
- 34:49IgG and virus operate through the
- 34:53Cy come receptor and So what they?
- 34:59They also. There was also a
- 35:02clinical sort of observation.
- 35:04Then there were some reports of ITP in post
- 35:07vaccine settings in a single institution.
- 35:10I believe I'm GH.
- 35:11There was a 52 patients and there
- 35:13were 12% of ITP dissertations.
- 35:16So they asked the question.
- 35:19Several questions is in fact what is the
- 35:21effect of vaccines on platelet count,
- 35:23risk of bleeding events?
- 35:26What kind of what kind of effect
- 35:30is in repeat dosing of vaccines?
- 35:31You know the second vaccine
- 35:33booster and so on,
- 35:34and what the risks of
- 35:36the actual exacerbation.
- 35:37What sort of plays a role in
- 35:39exacerbating so their cohort was
- 35:44retrospective from patients 10
- 35:46university affiliated patients
- 35:48that we actually also participated.
- 35:50So it's 117 patients.
- 35:54With a pretty long history of ITP 12 years.
- 35:57And of course they were.
- 36:00You know at the time where the
- 36:01study was sort of conducted,
- 36:03yeah,
- 36:04the patients were getting vaccinated
- 36:07were older patients.
- 36:09So breakdown of what therapies
- 36:13were administered,
- 36:14either on therapy or off therapy
- 36:17or prior prior therapy.
- 36:18So
- 36:21TPO, RA's and we talk smack word
- 36:25bulk of the of the treatments,
- 36:27and colectomy was also in 21% of
- 36:29patients and at the time of the study 40
- 36:32patients were off treatment and 16 of
- 36:35those were with normal platelet count.
- 36:37This is a breakdown of.
- 36:39See the exchange that we received.
- 36:43Simon, of course majority and
- 36:45then definitions how they sort
- 36:47of were assessing the response.
- 36:49So stable platelet count was plus
- 36:51minus 20% of the pre vaccine level,
- 36:53and ITP exasperation was defined as either.
- 37:01Much higher than 50% reduction of
- 37:04platelet count or 20% reduction if you.
- 37:08If the if the native platelets
- 37:10below 30,000 or the use of rescue
- 37:13treatment and So what?
- 37:16They found that there's a
- 37:18three groups of patients.
- 37:20So in about.
- 37:23I would say third or close to third
- 37:27quarter places actually increased
- 37:29platelet count increased in.
- 37:31Happened in middle part like a 40%.
- 37:34Nothing happened and in
- 37:36about third so to speak,
- 37:39it's actually decreased and this is
- 37:41the first Test of the second dose.
- 37:43Sort of similar and they pointed out
- 37:46that it may not be the same patience.
- 37:49So they broke it down into
- 37:53into into several groups.
- 37:56Specifically,
- 37:56so they assessed all patients in
- 38:00terms of incidence of post vaccine
- 38:02ITP reservation splenectomy patients,
- 38:04patients with me in patients with very
- 38:06heavily pretreated with five more than five,
- 38:08five, and more prior therapies,
- 38:11and so,
- 38:12interestingly enough,
- 38:12if you look at this point to me,
- 38:15it's they they saw a significant
- 38:19significantly higher incidence of.
- 38:25I've played loads of ITP reservations
- 38:29as well as patients with who are
- 38:31very, very heavily pretreated.
- 38:36Now when the when the post vaccine
- 38:38rescue therapy was administered,
- 38:39it was it was effective was administered
- 38:41about 30% of patients and they they
- 38:45reported no serious bleeding events.
- 38:47From a patient with.
- 38:52Patients with stable or
- 38:54increased platelet count after.
- 38:57The first vaccine,
- 38:58so that was those 43 patients,
- 39:01and after those number 26 patients have
- 39:05platelet count, decreased below 30.
- 39:09So factors that are found not
- 39:11predictive of estimation were age,
- 39:13gender, vaccine type and
- 39:15presence of autoimmune disease.
- 39:18They actually had access to two
- 39:21surveys and they sort of tried.
- 39:23They tried to validate their findings
- 39:26and they they looked into these surveys.
- 39:31These are two surveys.
- 39:32One is from a base in the United States,
- 39:35one is from UK especially.
- 39:36They track the track.
- 39:40Similar data. And so they found
- 39:44that in indeed in patients who
- 39:47had platelet count decreased.
- 39:50There were a lot more
- 39:52people with splenectomy.
- 39:54And then when they looked
- 39:57into your CTP cohort.
- 40:00Also survey based they found
- 40:03sort of breakdown of similar.
- 40:06Similar breakdown of decreased
- 40:07platelets about the third of patients
- 40:10indeed had ITP assassinations,
- 40:11and they also in the same
- 40:13survey found this book to me.
- 40:15Was the shade with a 2 fold
- 40:17increase of risk of decreasing
- 40:19in platelets by more than 50%.
- 40:21So they acknowledged the speed
- 40:23limitaciones that there's no lack of.
- 40:26There's there's no unvaccinated
- 40:29control group 2.
- 40:31To compare,
- 40:31there was a possible selection
- 40:33bias because they were following
- 40:35a lot closer to the people who
- 40:36are had refractory GP already.
- 40:40They were they didn't account
- 40:42for titration for concurrent sort
- 40:43of interventions in terms of how
- 40:45they affect the platelet count,
- 40:46including the titrations of the of
- 40:48the medications of the treatment
- 40:50that the patients were already on,
- 40:52and the technology that the possible
- 40:54overlap between cohort might effect
- 40:56might affect the platelet count,
- 40:58but overall they felt that the
- 41:00major point was that there was
- 41:03no bleeding in refractory TCP
- 41:05in refractory thrombocytopenia.
- 41:07Following vaccination and the major.
- 41:12.0 there was like if it's
- 41:14if it's a splenectomy.
- 41:15Patients follow closer.
- 41:16If it's a patient,
- 41:17were the difficult control
- 41:19ITP or heavily pretreated.
- 41:20Follow them closer.
- 41:23And so that was main main idea and then
- 41:28in a sort of in the in the in the post
- 41:31in a additional question sort of session
- 41:34following the abstract presentation.
- 41:35Somebody was asking, how would you counsel
- 41:38consultations and who actually did not,
- 41:40perhaps did not who I had
- 41:43from Selena after the first.
- 41:44Actually would you, you know,
- 41:45give the second vaccine, and so the
- 41:48presenter actually said that she usually.
- 41:52She would actually recommend
- 41:54but with close observation.
- 41:56Alright, so moving on to the second
- 41:58one so the second study was similar.
- 42:01In fact, they just followed one another.
- 42:03This one is from.
- 42:05Dutch study the benefit of this
- 42:07study was a prospective cohort,
- 42:09but the question was fairly similar
- 42:11to what happens in patients with
- 42:14ITP with pre-existing ITP when
- 42:16they receive COVID-19 vaccine.
- 42:18This study had a control arm.
- 42:21It had about a similar twice
- 42:24as much patients,
- 42:26218 in about the same number of 200.
- 42:29Healthy controls.
- 42:30Breakdown of vaccine was a little different,
- 42:33most of them received Moderna that was.
- 42:36Holland come in.
- 42:37All healthy controls received.
- 42:40Moderna 15 patients required
- 42:42rescue treatment.
- 42:44Now this is a breakdown of the treatment
- 42:48that patients were received or were on.
- 42:53So quite a number were on steroids
- 42:55in at a time and then also
- 42:59about 10% were Hispanic to me,
- 43:02definition of ITP dissertation
- 43:04was fairly the same.
- 43:07In fact, exactly the same.
- 43:09And sorry and So what they?
- 43:12What they found here on the
- 43:15graph below is that the.
- 43:19Both pleasant count in both
- 43:22normal controls and in.
- 43:27Patient stated patients actually
- 43:28decreased and they I believe
- 43:31they said it's decreased by 6.3%
- 43:33in both in both in both groups,
- 43:36so they didn't really feel there
- 43:37was a difference in reduction,
- 43:39but they both platelets
- 43:41in both groups went down.
- 43:46In fact, this is the better image of that.
- 43:54And so they further look
- 43:55into risk factors as well.
- 43:57And here they found interesting piece
- 44:00which is a contradicts the previous study.
- 44:03They found that split me actually was
- 44:05associated with increase of platelets,
- 44:07quite substantial cruise of platelets.
- 44:10And a current treatment was associated
- 44:15with a decrease of platelets and.
- 44:18Age was associated with small decrease
- 44:21in platelets following vaccinations.
- 44:25So this is again sort of a tally that
- 44:283030 patients developing masturbations
- 44:3115 required rescue treatment.
- 44:34The bleeding they did report bleeding,
- 44:36and interestingly enough and and in
- 44:40a post in a in a in a in a question
- 44:43period they were asked about this,
- 44:46so all the five bleeding episodes
- 44:48happened in patients with platelet
- 44:50count of higher than 100,000.
- 44:52And in fact one patient who had a
- 44:56fatal fatal gastrointestinal bleeding
- 44:58also had platelet count of 100.
- 45:00So their answer was that it's.
- 45:05It was not related to vaccination at all,
- 45:06it was comorbidities,
- 45:07and in fact in the patients who
- 45:09had a GI bleed fatal jab bleed,
- 45:10it was a severe liver disease.
- 45:15Few patients require transfusions
- 45:17over plated or.
- 45:19It helps so the conclusions here is,
- 45:22it's actually kind of similar.
- 45:23The effect of code in vaccination
- 45:26is similar in health in healthy
- 45:28controls and ITP patients.
- 45:30Dissertations were only a
- 45:32few very few ITP patients.
- 45:34There was a good response
- 45:36to rescue treatment.
- 45:38And essentially vaccination is safe and
- 45:40monitoring is advised and is actually
- 45:43was recommended by ASH guidelines.
- 45:47Come and this is sort of the additional
- 45:49questions that they were asked.
- 45:51Somebody asked whether they check
- 45:52for platelet antibodies and they
- 45:54said they did not evaluate for
- 45:56platelet antibodies directly,
- 45:57but but there's no association with
- 46:01high levels in health healthy controls.
- 46:06So,
- 46:06so I want to just finish up with this
- 46:09third study, which is which is also.
- 46:14ITP related studying.
- 46:15In fact,
- 46:16this is an interesting trial about use
- 46:20of BTK inhibitor will support NIP in.
- 46:25A refractory relapsed ITP's.
- 46:27The premise of the of the of the trial
- 46:31was was I think it was five for face,
- 46:33face,
- 46:33one face,
- 46:34two sort of update on on on the
- 46:37phase one phase two trial.
- 46:38The the premise was that pertain
- 46:41inhibitors modulate quite a bit of a quite
- 46:44a number of different effector cells.
- 46:46B cells and macrophages.
- 46:49Then also signaling signaling of the
- 46:52basilar receptor and inhibitors decrease
- 46:55our reactive antibodies in so there's a.
- 46:59There's an interest in evaluating
- 47:01this group of class of medications.
- 47:04Class of drugs in it P.
- 47:06And specifically.
- 47:07While I'm really Brittany was chosen because.
- 47:12Is believed to be very selective,
- 47:13so out of different kinases
- 47:16it's it's pretty selective.
- 47:18It inhibits quite quite nicely, but.
- 47:23But not others, rather occupy.
- 47:27Target potentially, but not others.
- 47:29It's quite reversible.
- 47:32And why not in Britain for instance?
- 47:35Well,
- 47:35so there's association of
- 47:37play legation with liberty,
- 47:39but not as shown here when.
- 47:45Was tested against collagen
- 47:48so much much. He come.
- 47:54Specially associated with
- 47:56aggregation more than rules.
- 47:58So the trial instant criteria was
- 48:01fairly straightforward, its response.
- 48:03It's essentially adults response.
- 48:06They have to have at least had to have
- 48:09at least response to one prior treatment,
- 48:12and there's no other available
- 48:14to them or not approved.
- 48:16And there should be at least two platelet
- 48:19count less than 30 thirty thousand
- 48:22brother on 2 occasions and concurrent
- 48:26therapists were allowed, including.
- 48:28Storage entity arrays.
- 48:30There was a dose escalation as a phase one,
- 48:34but in kind of a phase two
- 48:36phase of it part of it they use
- 48:38actually 400 milligrams VID,
- 48:40which I'll show soon.
- 48:42Primary in point was essentially.
- 48:45Account of greater than 50,000
- 48:47on two occasion at least,
- 48:50and an increase of 2020 thousand of the
- 48:54baseline without use of rescue medication.
- 48:57And they actually had a long term
- 49:00extension also for 400 milligrams PID.
- 49:02And so here's what happened.
- 49:04So this is kind of a overall study diagram,
- 49:07so this is the 400 the ID group.
- 49:11So this is 45 patients.
- 49:13And so here's the results.
- 49:17So out of this 4518 that is 40% reached
- 49:21the primary endpoint so greater
- 49:23than 50 in with 20 greater than.
- 49:2850% fifty thousand increase.
- 49:31Sorry, greater than 50,000 platelet count
- 49:35increased 20,000 from the baseline,
- 49:37so that's 18 patients reached that end
- 49:39point and it was very rapid improvement,
- 49:42so this is it's probably hard to see.
- 49:45But this is days and so within,
- 49:48you know this is actually 20.
- 49:49I think it's 25 or 29 days,
- 49:52so it's a really rapid improvement
- 49:54and it's actually sustained.
- 49:55And of course these are not responders and
- 49:58you can see here that this is sort of a.
- 50:01Better.
- 50:03Way to assess sort of duration of response.
- 50:05So this is greater than 30 number
- 50:08of number of weeks achieved
- 50:10in 20 and then 15 and 14.
- 50:15So then, whoops.
- 50:21And so they made a point
- 50:23that it's indeed very rapid,
- 50:25very rapid increase in fact,
- 50:28median time to greater than 30,000
- 50:31level was achieved in 8.5 days
- 50:35greater than 30,000 + 20,000 above
- 50:37the baseline in basically 12
- 50:39days in greater than 50,000 play
- 50:41account in just about the same
- 50:4412.5 days and median time for the
- 50:46primary response was about a month,
- 50:48so it's very very rapid.
- 50:51And then they also showed the.
- 50:54What happened in this long long extension?
- 50:58Arms, so to speak,
- 50:59and they said that it's basically
- 51:02it was quite robust.
- 51:08Especially it's a.
- 51:10It's a maintain the maintained the
- 51:13response alright and then adverse effects.
- 51:17Basically it's all grade one grade,
- 51:19one grade, two diarrhea and nausea,
- 51:22fatigue. And again this is all
- 51:25about 400 milligrams twice a day,
- 51:27so conclusions. Mr.
- 51:31Bracnet provides.
- 51:34Inhibition of phagocytosis.
- 51:39And 40% of patients on 400
- 51:42milligram VID achieved endpoint
- 51:44primary endpoint at 18 patients.
- 51:46Response was rapid and was well
- 51:50tolerated and response was maintained.
- 51:53So there's open going
- 51:55face the Luna three trial,
- 51:56which further will address this.
- 52:01This this modality in additional questions.
- 52:06I think there was nothing really
- 52:08particularly interesting,
- 52:09but they said there's no,
- 52:10nobody, nobody was on any.
- 52:14Antibiotic prophylaxis and
- 52:16there was no infections.
- 52:18So I think in interest of time I finish,
- 52:20I stop here.
- 52:23If we have some questions, well,
- 52:25thank you all very much for those very
- 52:27informative and very clear presentations.
- 52:32If people do have questions,
- 52:33if they could put them in the chat
- 52:35that there are a couple there.
- 52:37Maybe we can start with those.
- 52:39So I'm Kelsey.
- 52:41You mentioned in your abstract with
- 52:43factor 11 deficiency that some patients
- 52:46bled despite getting fresh frozen plasma.
- 52:50What what might be some alternatives
- 52:52to treat those individuals?
- 52:53Or do you have any any thoughts about
- 52:55why those people still had bleeding?
- 52:58Yeah, it's interesting.
- 52:59I mean the half life of factor 11 is long.
- 53:03I think about two days or so,
- 53:04and so it's it's.
- 53:06It's intriguing, but I think something
- 53:07we've all experienced in practice.
- 53:09I think that may happen,
- 53:10perhaps just the quantity effect
- 53:12or Lebanon is not concentrated.
- 53:15You know, you never maybe know
- 53:17exactly what you're getting in the FP,
- 53:18and maybe one element.
- 53:20And I, you know there are
- 53:22cases reported of inhibitors,
- 53:23so perhaps some of those
- 53:24patients that didn't respond,
- 53:25maybe inhibitors.
- 53:28I think that I think Novoseven could be used,
- 53:33but I think with caution and maybe
- 53:34at a lower dose or maybe particularly
- 53:36in someone who had an inhibitor.
- 53:38I think there would be a role there,
- 53:39and then maybe sort of leaning more
- 53:42heavily on anti fibrinolytics might
- 53:44be useful, but I mean I think it's.
- 53:48A challenge we've all seen and experienced
- 53:50that sometimes is hard to pinpoint.
- 53:53It's a great question,
- 53:54great, thank you.
- 53:55Thank you and and Sudan shoe. You.
- 53:57You mentioned that there was an
- 53:59increase in the clinical clinically
- 54:00relevant non major bleeding and
- 54:03individuals who are getting doax
- 54:05for cancer associated thrombosis.
- 54:07So when when you prescribe either
- 54:09a low molecular weight heparin
- 54:10orado act to a patient with cancer
- 54:13associated thrombosis, how do you?
- 54:14How do you?
- 54:17Decide on the benefits, risks there,
- 54:19and what what agents do.
- 54:20You tend to choose and are there.
- 54:22Are there things about the
- 54:23patient that may point you
- 54:24in One Direction or another?
- 54:28So the clinically relevant non major
- 54:31bleeding was really of concern,
- 54:33which was higher in doax and
- 54:35that has been pretty consistent
- 54:37throughout all the six trials.
- 54:39So it wasn't just one study.
- 54:42And the way it impacts my practice
- 54:44is if if I do look at the patient's
- 54:47underlying bleeding risk.
- 54:49If there isn't an individual where I
- 54:51would be more concerned about bleeding,
- 54:53perhaps someone who had immediate
- 54:56postoperative thrombotic event,
- 54:58or perhaps with somebody who's going
- 55:00for a surgery or has a known history
- 55:03of underlying bleeding or faults.
- 55:05I might be more inclined to use
- 55:09those individuals rather than doax,
- 55:11so that would be my approach and.
- 55:13How I would use that information?
- 55:15Thank
- 55:15you very much, don't you?
- 55:17And Alex, are there any situations
- 55:20in patients with ITP, and in in,
- 55:22in which you might hold off on giving
- 55:26COVID vaccine COVID-19 vaccine?
- 55:28So individuals who are recently flared
- 55:30or have very low platelet counts and
- 55:34requiring intense therapy, for instance?
- 55:38You know, so this is interesting
- 55:40because the data they really didn't
- 55:42actually include specifically,
- 55:43like they didn't address the question
- 55:47of whether patients who were in right,
- 55:50right, or right now on inactive.
- 55:55ITP destinations,
- 55:57prior to prior to vaccination. They were.
- 56:00They only had patients who were on
- 56:02sort of chronic chronic therapy,
- 56:04so I I don't think we have data per
- 56:09say in that regard, but personally,
- 56:12I think if there's a flare actually flare,
- 56:17I probably would hold off,
- 56:20just not to disturb.
- 56:23You know it. You know,
- 56:25in in in response further,
- 56:28I think it would might what might be
- 56:31really interesting is in in this situation
- 56:33to address further whether they're truly.
- 56:36Uh and antibody platelet antibody,
- 56:39which none of them really looked into.
- 56:43Great, but but I think I would
- 56:45probably hold off until there's some
- 56:46stabilization of platelet count.
- 56:49Seems very prudent. Yep, OK, alright.
- 56:53Well it's it's just about 1:00 o'clock,
- 56:55so I want to thank our speakers for again.
- 56:58Excellent presentation that
- 57:00were informative and I think
- 57:02highlighted some really important
- 57:03areas in classical hematology.
- 57:05And thank you all for for joining us.
- 57:08Thank you very much.
- 57:09Have a great day everyone. I.