Senior Research Scientist in and Lecturer in Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases)
Ovarian Neoplasms
- Research Interests
Professor of Pathology and of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences; Director, Gynecologic Pathology; Clinical Director, Molecular Diagnostics Laboratories; Director, Pathology
Research InterestsAssociate Dean of Research and Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases); Deputy Director (Public Health), Yale Center for Clinical Investigation; Deputy Director, Yale Cancer Center
Research InterestsResearch Scientist in Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases)
Research InterestsProfessor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
Research InterestsProfessor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences; Clinical Research Team Leader, Gynecologic Oncology, Yale Cancer Center; Co-Chief, Section of Gynecologic Oncology
Research InterestsProfessor Adjunct; Professor Adjunct, Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Research Interests