The Impact of Therapy on Glioma Evolution
February 09, 2024Information
Yale Cancer Center Grand Rounds | February 9, 2024
Presented by: Dr. Roel Verhaak
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- 00:00I think we can start to get in.
- 00:02It's wonderful to be here this
- 00:05morning and to introduce somebody
- 00:07who is absolutely exceptional and
- 00:09who is newly recruited to our
- 00:12department in neurosurgery and also
- 00:14to Smilo in the Cancer Center.
- 00:16Dr. Rol Vierhok is Professor in
- 00:18the Department of Neurosurgery
- 00:20at the Yale School of Medicine.
- 00:22Following graduation with a PhD
- 00:24in Medicine from their Aerosmiths
- 00:26University Medical Center in Rotterdam,
- 00:28the Netherlands Role joined the
- 00:31Broad Institute Dana Farber Cancer
- 00:33Institute as a postdoctoral associate,
- 00:36supported by a fellowship from the Dutch
- 00:39Cancer Society during the time at the Broad,
- 00:41he was part of the team
- 00:42analyzing data from the TCGA.
- 00:44He led the Identification and
- 00:47Characterization of Gene Expression
- 00:49subtypes and glioblastoma work
- 00:51that resulted in a Seminole Cancer
- 00:54Cell 2010 publication will move
- 00:56to MD Anderson Cancer Center in
- 00:592010 to start his own laboratory.
- 01:02Since then,
- 01:03the Veerhawk lab has studied tumor
- 01:05evolution and mechanisms of therapy
- 01:07resistance in low and high grade gliomas.
- 01:10The group was foundational
- 01:12in establishing the Glioma
- 01:13Longitudinal Analysis Consortium,
- 01:15which has established a resource of
- 01:18molecular profiles over time on a
- 01:20large cohort of patients with glioma.
- 01:22They identified and described genetic
- 01:24scars and cellular phenotypes
- 01:26associated with glioma progression
- 01:28and disease recurrence.
- 01:30Extra chromosomal DNA amplifications were
- 01:32discovered as critical drivers and are
- 01:35now a major part of the team's research.
- 01:37After being affiliated with
- 01:39the Jackson Jackson Laboratory
- 01:40for Genomic Medicine in 2016.
- 01:42I can tell you our department leadership
- 01:45fought very hard to recruit him
- 01:48here to Yale and he joined us in the
- 01:51Department of Neurosurgery in 2023.
- 01:52Roll is a recipient of the
- 01:55AAAS Watchal Award,
- 01:56the Agilent the Early Career Professor
- 01:59Award and the Peter Stack Memorial Award.
- 02:02He's also Co founder of Boundless Bio.
- 02:05I can tell you in the short time that I've
- 02:06had the privilege of working with him,
- 02:08he's truly exceptional and I'm really
- 02:10excited for this talk and for all
- 02:13of the work that we have to come.
- 02:15So without further ado,
- 02:17thank you so much Doctor Veerhark.
- 02:20Thanks Jennifer.
- 02:21That very, very kind introduction.
- 02:23And so I joined the Department
- 02:25of Neurosurgery in April of last
- 02:29year after some discussions with
- 02:30Doctor Grinnell and others.
- 02:31And to be honest, it wasn't that hard.
- 02:33I was pretty convinced very quickly
- 02:35that this was going to be a great
- 02:37place to continue our research.
- 02:39As we were thinking about
- 02:40becoming more translational,
- 02:42it was we felt that we that being
- 02:43in a clinical environment would we
- 02:45greatly benefit our work and what
- 02:48what grader clinical environment
- 02:50and Yale School of Medicine and
- 02:52department of Neurosurgery.
- 02:53So I'm a Co founder of a biotech that
- 02:56won't be discussing that work today.
- 02:59I am also a consultant for neurotrials.
- 03:03So gliomas are the most common
- 03:07molecular tumor type in an in adult
- 03:11patients and the most devastating ones.
- 03:13They're characterized by an infiltrative
- 03:15growth into the environment,
- 03:16into the parencoa,
- 03:17and this makes these tumors
- 03:19exceptionally hard to treat because
- 03:20she can't go in with a knife and
- 03:22cut out the entire the entire
- 03:24structure for obvious reasons.
- 03:27Nowadays we recognize traditionally
- 03:29we would classify gliomas in
- 03:32adult patients by histopathology.
- 03:34Fortunately, we've gotten away from
- 03:36that as molecular markers do much more
- 03:39precise job in doing such classification.
- 03:41Nowadays we recognize gliomas based
- 03:44on two critical molecular markers.
- 03:461st, we set, we identified the presence
- 03:49of absence of a mutation in IDH one
- 03:52or IDH 2 isocitrate dehydrogenate.
- 03:54And for those cases that carry an
- 03:56IDH 1 mutation or an IDH 2 mutation,
- 03:58we further separate them by the presence
- 04:00of our absence of 1P19Q code deletion.
- 04:02So from some arm loss of 1P and 19 Q 19 Q.
- 04:06Predominantly the cases that
- 04:08have this code deletion,
- 04:10we call them codels are a majority
- 04:13isopathologically all it goes non code
- 04:15L So those cases that are IDH mutated
- 04:18but don't have that code deletion
- 04:20are in majority astrocytomas and the
- 04:22IDH wild type cases are mostly the
- 04:24glioblastomas and the patients survival
- 04:27patterns are according meaning that
- 04:29those cases that have no IDH mutation
- 04:32do particularly poorly clinically.
- 04:35That's not to say that any of these
- 04:38tuber types are better to have
- 04:39quote UN quote this as far as you
- 04:41can ever better have a tumor.
- 04:43Patients that are that carry the IDH
- 04:46mutant non CODEL tumors are typically
- 04:49diagnosed between 35 and 44 years of age,
- 04:52so very young in life.
- 04:54The codel patient typically
- 04:56is around 45 years of age.
- 04:58So again relatively early in life.
- 05:00So those patients might have much
- 05:02better outcomes but they'll mostly
- 05:04the majority will still succumb to
- 05:06disease even prior to the median
- 05:07age of diagnosis for IDH wild
- 05:09type tumors which is around 60.
- 05:11So these are all bad tumors.
- 05:15Here's the motivation for classifying
- 05:19gliomas by these two molecular markers.
- 05:22And in part it's of course
- 05:23it's clinically it's,
- 05:24it's the survival outcomes as I
- 05:26showed you on the previous slide.
- 05:27But here in this paper
- 05:30from the TCGA from 2015,
- 05:32we demonstrated that not only behave
- 05:34these tumors differently and respond,
- 05:37they they respond different to treatments,
- 05:39but they're really biologically
- 05:41different entities as reflected in
- 05:43the sets of molecular alterations
- 05:46that are commonly detected.
- 05:48For example,
- 05:49in the codel group we find that they
- 05:52are nearly universally carrying
- 05:54mutations in the Turk promoter,
- 05:57as well as relatively spurious mutations
- 06:00in genes like Notch One and NCIC.
- 06:04The non codels,
- 06:05even though they are IDH mutated,
- 06:07rarely contain Turk promoter mutations
- 06:11but are universally mutated in P53 and
- 06:1475% carry hairy alterations in ATRX.
- 06:17So very similar tumor types but
- 06:19molecularly quite different.
- 06:21And then finally IDH wild type tumors
- 06:24again 80% are turb promoter mutated and
- 06:28they are then a majority containing
- 06:31mutations in genes like e.g., FRCDK,
- 06:33N2AP10 and so on and so forth.
- 06:35So biological not just responding
- 06:37differently to treatment,
- 06:38not just different at in terms
- 06:40of at when they present in life,
- 06:42but biologically also quite different.
- 06:47Now after we were able to refine the
- 06:51classification of gliomas in adult patients,
- 06:54a major next a major challenge
- 06:55continues to be how these tumors
- 06:57respond to treatment and the lack of
- 06:58new treatments coming into the clinic.
- 07:03Now tumors initiate from a cell
- 07:05of origin and over time as these
- 07:07cells respond to challenges
- 07:08in the tumor microenvironment,
- 07:10for example presence of oxygen,
- 07:12lack of nutrients and so forth,
- 07:14you'll find that intratumoral
- 07:16heterogeneity starts to develop.
- 07:18And this is a consequence of
- 07:20these evolutionary processes and
- 07:21clonal selection where some cells
- 07:23are better able to deal with
- 07:25these limitations than others.
- 07:27Therefore they become they they
- 07:30they show clonal outgrowth.
- 07:31So at the time of diagnosis we're
- 07:33dealing with an with an heterogeneous
- 07:36tumor with different sets of tumor
- 07:38cells marked by specific and mutations
- 07:39and other kinds of gene alterations.
- 07:43Now critically this process doesn't
- 07:45end a diagnosis of course we impose
- 07:48treatments onto these tumors.
- 07:49You know surgery initially debulking
- 07:52surgery combined with radiation and
- 07:55chemotherapy which for gliomas in
- 07:57majority is stemozolamide, stemozolamide.
- 08:01And of course these treatments
- 08:04continue to impose these bottlenecks
- 08:06onto the tumor and those cells
- 08:09best able to deal with radiation,
- 08:11best able to deal with chemotherapy
- 08:13are the ones that are going to fuel
- 08:15the outgrowth and the tumor recurrence.
- 08:18So we felt that this would be,
- 08:19this would be an important process
- 08:22to study so that we could try and
- 08:24make these treatments more effective
- 08:26and potentially identify targets
- 08:28for new treatment development.
- 08:32So with that in mind,
- 08:33we started the Glioma Longitudinal
- 08:35Analysis or Glass Consortium in 2015.
- 08:39The glass consortium has set out to
- 08:42developed on the tail ends of the
- 08:44TCGA and it set out to develop a
- 08:47comprehensive molecular reference data
- 08:48set from pairs of tumors obtained and
- 08:52diagnosis and then after treatment,
- 08:53so the first tumor recurrence.
- 08:55But in reality we have been collecting
- 08:57tumors along the whole trajectory.
- 08:59So we have cases now for glass where we
- 09:02have 6 recurrences consecutively and
- 09:04we've molecularly characterized them.
- 09:06In other words, we've sequenced them.
- 09:08And then critically for glass,
- 09:10we really try to curate and obtain
- 09:14clinical annotation for all cases in
- 09:17the cohort because the value of a
- 09:20resource like this is significantly
- 09:22amplified if we know which tumors
- 09:24got treated in between time plans.
- 09:26Now why that we needed to do
- 09:28a consortium for this,
- 09:30it's because of things like patient
- 09:32mobility and the way tumor banks work.
- 09:34If you go to your average tumor bank,
- 09:36surely you'll find some tumors for which
- 09:39there's multiple time point specimens.
- 09:41But even for MD Anderson where I
- 09:43used to where we used to be one of
- 09:46the largest centers in the country,
- 09:48we were limited to a few dozen
- 09:50cases where we would have these
- 09:52multi time point specimens.
- 09:53And then as you're dealing with
- 09:55attrition due to tissue quality,
- 09:56at the end of the day,
- 09:58you really need an international
- 10:00collaboration to get to the large enough
- 10:03numbers to do any kind of robust analysis.
- 10:07So we started the consortium also
- 10:09still being enthusiastic of how well
- 10:11the TCJ collaboration went for us
- 10:13and now have developed a consortium
- 10:15that involves over 140 people
- 10:17spread across the globe essentially
- 10:19in 14 different countries.
- 10:21This is an older picture actually.
- 10:23If you would take a picture now,
- 10:24it would fill the room.
- 10:27So an important purpose of Glass
- 10:31is not just to create this,
- 10:33this data set but also to share it
- 10:36broadly just like the TCA so that
- 10:38not just we can do interesting
- 10:40analysis with them but of course
- 10:42that the whole community can do so.
- 10:43So in 2022 we released our latest
- 10:46public version of the glass data
- 10:48resource which is a cohort of 300
- 10:50/ 300 patients for whom we have
- 10:53collected multi timepoint DNA
- 10:55sequencing and or RNA sequencing.
- 10:58Now these 300 patients and I can tell
- 11:00you in the meantime now we're 2024,
- 11:02we've nearly doubled the cohort size
- 11:04and we'll be releasing that soon.
- 11:06So we continue to actively expand
- 11:08this cohort
- 11:11Right now in our code if you
- 11:12go to the URL shown here,
- 11:14you can find variants in clinical
- 11:16annotation for over 300 cases of
- 11:19which in majority are from IDH wild
- 11:22type tumors followed by the non
- 11:24Codells Finally the Codells as you
- 11:26can see we have a relative under
- 11:28representation of Codells here and
- 11:30that's likely due to the longer
- 11:31time to recurrence or Codell tumors
- 11:33compared to IDs wild type tumors.
- 11:35The shorter the time to recurrence,
- 11:38the higher the likelihood that two tumor
- 11:40specimens will end up in the same tumor bank.
- 11:42In addition to that RE resection is not
- 11:44standard for any of these and so that's
- 11:47another factor that comes into play here.
- 11:50You can maybe appreciate that the
- 11:52median age of diagnosis in these
- 11:54three groups is relatively young.
- 11:57And that is because in order to end up for
- 11:59data to end up in our in our resource,
- 12:02the patient has to have had two surgical
- 12:06procedures in order to obtain specimens,
- 12:08meaning that the patient has had to
- 12:10be in relatively good shape to be
- 12:12able to undergo those procedures.
- 12:13So we see a bit of a bias in
- 12:15median aid to diagnosis as well as
- 12:18in survival patterns shown here.
- 12:20That is what it is.
- 12:21We can't really address that.
- 12:23We try to address it by expanding
- 12:25the resources large as we can so
- 12:27that we kept capture as many patient
- 12:29groups as we can.
- 12:30Finally, I'm going to point out that
- 12:32our annotation in my opinion is really great.
- 12:34So we know for all patients whether
- 12:36they or nearly all patients,
- 12:38whether they have received tamizolamides,
- 12:40yes or no and whether they have
- 12:41received radio radiation therapy,
- 12:42yes or no.
- 12:43And we've got many more clinical variables.
- 12:46I just chose to highlight these
- 12:47on this on this particular slide.
- 12:50So I, in my opinion,
- 12:51it's really becoming a phenomenal resource.
- 12:55Now what can you do with a
- 12:56resource like this?
- 12:57I think you can do many things.
- 12:58But we initially started,
- 13:00we initially focused on
- 13:012 important questions.
- 13:02First,
- 13:03what is the impact of temozolomite on
- 13:05tumor evolution and on these gliomas?
- 13:08And 2nd,
- 13:08what is the impact of radiation?
- 13:13So treatment with temozolomite.
- 13:15Temozolomite is a DE alkylating agent.
- 13:18The repair process of the DE
- 13:20alkylation shows up in can show up
- 13:23as mutations and nucleotide changes.
- 13:26Nucleotide changes can conveniently
- 13:28be detected using sequencing,
- 13:30and that means that in a subset of tumors
- 13:32that are treated with temozolomide,
- 13:34A hypermutation phenotype will develop.
- 13:37So these are tumors where cells
- 13:38have been able to overcome the
- 13:40damaging effect of temozolomide,
- 13:42and they do so by repairing the
- 13:44damage caused by temozolomide,
- 13:45and the damage is then showing
- 13:47up as hypermutation.
- 13:48Very high mutational burdens
- 13:52across our cohort and this is slightly
- 13:54older version of our data set.
- 13:56But across our cohort we then see
- 13:58that when we compare mutational
- 14:00burden of the initial tumor and the
- 14:02post TMZ treated recurrent tumor,
- 14:04so this is only TMZ treated cases,
- 14:08we see very high mutational burdens in
- 14:10these recurrences and this is a log scale.
- 14:11So we chose a cutoff of 10
- 14:14mutations per megabase here.
- 14:17So across the three subtypes of glioma,
- 14:20we see that a subset recurs as hypermutated.
- 14:24The relative frequencies differ by subtypes,
- 14:27ID 12 type tumors 15 to 16%.
- 14:30For the IDH mutant tumors,
- 14:32we see that the rate of hypermutation
- 14:35development is much higher.
- 14:37We think this is due to the fact that
- 14:39IDH mutated tumors take longer to recur.
- 14:42Therefore, there's a more of an
- 14:44opportunity for hypermutation to develop.
- 14:50Hypermutation has been associated
- 14:52with relatively poor outcomes.
- 14:54What we found when we EPL evaluated
- 14:57the presence of hypermutation
- 14:58in TMZ treated tumors and then
- 15:00compared to time to progression,
- 15:02that it's actually similar
- 15:04between non hypermutated.
- 15:05So tumors that did not become hypermutated
- 15:08versus those that did become hypermutated.
- 15:10So time to progression doesn't really
- 15:13depend on the development of hypermutation,
- 15:15but once a tumor has become hypermutated,
- 15:18so after that recurrence the hypermutators
- 15:20do worse than the non hypermutators.
- 15:26That's not to say that we shouldn't be
- 15:29treating these patients with tenozolamide.
- 15:31Clinical trials such as the CAD non study
- 15:34from the ERTC have clearly demonstrated
- 15:36that tenozolamide has significant
- 15:38benefits across the patient population.
- 15:41So even though sometimes people will argue,
- 15:43well temozolomite causes hypermutation,
- 15:45hypermutation is bad.
- 15:47As a patient group,
- 15:49temozolomite is clearly beneficial.
- 15:56Emma and Kevin in our lab then chose
- 16:00to study similar questions but then
- 16:02for response to radiation therapy which
- 16:04causes a different type of DNA damage.
- 16:07It causes single single strand breaks
- 16:09as well as double strand breaks.
- 16:14And Long story short,
- 16:17they discovered that when comparing
- 16:19cases not treated with radiation to
- 16:22those that are treated with radiation,
- 16:24that treated cases develop a
- 16:27relatively high number of small 2
- 16:30to 20 base pair deletions across
- 16:32their scattered across their genome.
- 16:35So it's a bit of a similar
- 16:37phenomenon to hypermutation,
- 16:38but instead of single nucleotide changes,
- 16:41we found that radiation drives small
- 16:44deletions and in the treated cases we
- 16:46see significantly more small deletions
- 16:48arise compared to the untreated cases.
- 16:53Now radiation and temozolomide are
- 16:55often used in combination its standard
- 16:57of care for IDH wild type tumors.
- 17:00So are we observing this increase in
- 17:02small deletions because some of these
- 17:05tumors will are developing hypermutation?
- 17:11The answer is yes and no.
- 17:13Meaning that when we split up our cohort
- 17:16in those cases that are hypermutated
- 17:18as well as radiation treated,
- 17:20we find that hypermutation
- 17:22independent of radiation actually.
- 17:24So these are tumors that are hypermutated
- 17:26and have not been treated with radiation
- 17:28that they also show an increase
- 17:32in the number of small deletions.
- 17:34But importantly,
- 17:35those that are not have been mutated
- 17:37and have been radiated also show
- 17:39that small deletion increase.
- 17:41So hypermutation and radiation
- 17:43are independent factors driving
- 17:45the increase in small deletions.
- 17:48And in that sense small deletions,
- 17:50the small deletion increase
- 17:52burden increase is comparable to
- 17:54hypermutation for actemozolamide.
- 17:56And in our paper we actually found
- 17:59that this is true across cancers,
- 18:00not just gliomus,
- 18:04Gemma and Kevin and also evaluated
- 18:06anuploidies, in other words,
- 18:08broad losses and gains.
- 18:09So while small deletions will
- 18:11arise from double strand breaks
- 18:13that are subsequently repaired,
- 18:16anuploidies typically are a
- 18:17result of cell cycle of errors.
- 18:19During the cell cycle,
- 18:21for example MIS segregation,
- 18:25we compared gains, broad gains and
- 18:28broad losses and we did that between
- 18:31irradiated cases and unirradiated
- 18:33cases and found no difference in gains.
- 18:37But we found a significantly higher
- 18:39number of whole chromosome arm losses in
- 18:43irradiated versus non irradiated tumors.
- 18:45Similar to the small deletion increase,
- 18:50now homocygous deletion of CDK
- 18:51into A which is of course a cell
- 18:55cycle regulator has previously been
- 18:57associated with tumor progression
- 18:59especially in Ida mutant tumors.
- 19:03We compared not just homozygous
- 19:05deletion but also hemisygous deletion
- 19:07of CDK and to a first in untreated
- 19:10initial tumors in glass this is
- 19:12codels and non codels and this is
- 19:14focusing on the IDH mutant tumors,
- 19:16Codels versus non codels first
- 19:18and we find that non codels have
- 19:21a higher rate of CDK and to a
- 19:23homozygous as well as semisygous loss,
- 19:26but this is particular particularly
- 19:28pronounced in recurrences.
- 19:30So at recurrence non codal IDH
- 19:32mutant tumors significantly show
- 19:34a significant increase in the
- 19:37number of CDK N to a homozygous
- 19:38as well as hemisygous deletions.
- 19:41And this is then particularly true
- 19:44amongst irradiated tumors suggesting
- 19:46that there's a relationship between
- 19:48irradiation and CDK N to a loss.
- 19:53And again the presence or the when
- 19:56a CDK N to a loss either hemisygous
- 19:59or homozygous has been acquired,
- 20:02we see that that correlates associates
- 20:04with worse outcomes to treatment.
- 20:10We then evaluated the association between
- 20:13these broad aneuploidies and CDK into a loss.
- 20:17Here we grouped a bunch of cases.
- 20:19Actually this is not class data,
- 20:21this is span cancer data.
- 20:22We grouped those cases by non irradiated.
- 20:26Palliatively irradiated.
- 20:27So lower doses and accuratively irradiated
- 20:30tumors and find that the increase in
- 20:34the number of chromosome losses is
- 20:36actually only found in tumors that
- 20:38have homozygous deletion of CDK into A.
- 20:40So while we previously showed
- 20:43that irradiation appears to
- 20:45drive broad chromosome losses,
- 20:48what we're actually seeing is that
- 20:51irradiation associates with CDK into a loss,
- 20:53and it's really the CDK into a loss
- 20:56that then associates with aneuploidy
- 20:59because we're seeing a significant
- 21:00increase in the number of chromosome
- 21:02losses in unirradiated cases when
- 21:04homozygous loss of CDK into A is present.
- 21:08So irradiation itself does not
- 21:10appear to drive aneuploidy.
- 21:11It appears to drive CDK into a loss,
- 21:13which then drives to aneuploidy.
- 21:17And as with the hypermutation example,
- 21:21we're finding no significant
- 21:22difference in surgical interval in
- 21:25irradiated cases associating with the
- 21:28number of acquired small deletions.
- 21:30But post recurrence,
- 21:31those tumors that acquire the most,
- 21:33the highest number of new small
- 21:35deletions are the ones that stop
- 21:37responding to further therapy
- 21:39that have very poor outcomes.
- 21:41So acquired small deletions are a marker
- 21:43for further tumor response if you will.
- 21:52So this is the model that
- 21:53seems to arise from our data,
- 21:54which is perhaps not super surprising.
- 21:57These tumors as I started with
- 22:00originate from a cell of origin
- 22:02that starts to expand more
- 22:03quickly than the cells around it.
- 22:05And upon bottlenecks in
- 22:07the tumor microenvironment,
- 22:08subclones will further arise that
- 22:10then at the time of the diagnosis
- 22:12can be detected through sequencing.
- 22:14Then we impose this therapeutic
- 22:16barrier for surgery and then a chemo
- 22:19and radio and those cancer cells that
- 22:20are able to repair the DNA damage.
- 22:22So the ones that have the hypermutation
- 22:25phenotype or the ones that have acquired
- 22:27large numbers of small deletions,
- 22:29those are the ones that are
- 22:30able to repair the A damage and
- 22:32can subsequently be detected,
- 22:34have expanded sufficiently,
- 22:35have become large enough subclones that
- 22:38we can detect them through sequencing.
- 22:40So then it's not surprising that
- 22:42in recurrence these tumors that
- 22:44have these genomic scars,
- 22:45these signatures are the ones
- 22:46that have poor outcomes and stop
- 22:48responding to treatment because
- 22:50you're looking at cells that have
- 22:52already been able to have already
- 22:54shown that they don't care about
- 22:55further DNA damage or they don't
- 22:57care about chemo radiotherapy.
- 23:01Now when you summarize these
- 23:03numbers across our glass cohort,
- 23:07we see that amongst IDs wild type
- 23:09tumors that have been treated with
- 23:11temozolomide and or radiation that 15%
- 23:14develops the hypermutation phenotype.
- 23:17And of those that are that do not
- 23:19develop the hypermutation phenotype,
- 23:20another 16% requires large numbers
- 23:23of small deletion which leaves a
- 23:26relatively large group in which no
- 23:31genomic scars can be detected,
- 23:33A recurrence and they may have
- 23:35intrinsic mechanisms to deal with
- 23:38the toxic effects of therapy.
- 23:41When we look at IDH mutant
- 23:43tumors where the picture is more
- 23:45diverse because not all patients
- 23:47will receive the same therapies,
- 23:49we find that amongst those that have
- 23:50been treated with temozolomide,
- 23:5242% acquires hypermutation,
- 23:5335% of non hypermutators acquires
- 23:56the small deletion phenotype and
- 23:59again a subset shows neither.
- 24:04Now as Jen mentioned in the intro and
- 24:07previous work we have looked at gene
- 24:09expression patterns and this is focusing
- 24:12on GBM so IDH small type tumors.
- 24:14And we found that when we evaluate gene
- 24:17expression patterns we can and identify 3
- 24:20gene expression subtypes of glioblastoma,
- 24:22IDH well type glioblastoma which we labeled
- 24:24mesenchymal per neural and classical.
- 24:28When we evaluate A subtype classification
- 24:31in glass we see that you know we
- 24:34see the the relative distribution
- 24:35is of these three subtypes is
- 24:37what we typically would expect.
- 24:39A number of cases are classical
- 24:42mesenchymal or per neural at recurrence.
- 24:44We do appear to see a minor
- 24:47shift towards mesenchomal tumor.
- 24:48So we see a high number higher number
- 24:51of mesenchomal tumors and recurrent.
- 24:52So tumor progression appears to
- 24:56and some tumors coincide with
- 24:58mesenchomal transformation.
- 25:00But perhaps more importantly,
- 25:01we find that these subtypes are
- 25:04these subtypes identifications.
- 25:06Classifications are quite flexible
- 25:07because nearly half of our cases actually
- 25:10change subtypes between the initial
- 25:12time point and a recurrent time point.
- 25:17Now, like many tumor types,
- 25:18glioblastoma has been extensively
- 25:20studied using single cell sequencing
- 25:23and single nucleus sequencing.
- 25:25Our collaborator Mario Suva has let let
- 25:27the field in this respect and published
- 25:30a very influential paper in 2019,
- 25:32the Neftal ET al.
- 25:33Study which they found four
- 25:36predominant cell states of
- 25:38glioblastoma which they labeled
- 25:40oligo progenitor cell like neuro,
- 25:42progenital cell like astrocyte
- 25:45like mesenchymol like.
- 25:47You may notice that these terms are
- 25:49actually reminiscent of the subtypes
- 25:51that we had previously identified
- 25:53and that's maybe not surprising.
- 25:55If a tumor contains a majority
- 25:58mesenchymal like cells,
- 25:59the subtype signature will be mesenchymal.
- 26:01We've shown this using combined bulk
- 26:03RNA C and single cell RNA C data sets.
- 26:08Oh, and another important thing to remark
- 26:11here is that all GBMS each of the cell
- 26:14states can be detected in all GBM's.
- 26:16It's just a shift in numbers which
- 26:20perhaps explains the plasticity
- 26:22of expression subtypes over time.
- 26:24Now my lab, Kevin and Kevin Johnson
- 26:27and Kevin Johnson and Kevin Anderson
- 26:28have worked together to do single
- 26:30cell sequencing of gliomas as well
- 26:33with the purpose of identifying
- 26:35pan glioma cell states.
- 26:37Mario's Neftal at all cell states
- 26:39are focused on IDH well type tumors.
- 26:41Our effort initially focused on
- 26:43identifying cell states that could
- 26:46be identified across different
- 26:47types of glioma and we found those
- 26:50we labeled them stem like cells,
- 26:51proliferating stem like cell and
- 26:53differentiated stem like cell.
- 26:54And of course with single cell sequencing
- 26:56you can also identify non malignant
- 26:58cell states such as elutical dendrocytes,
- 27:00parasites,
- 27:00myeloid cells, cells,
- 27:01cells that are typically residing in
- 27:03the microenvironment of these gliomas.
- 27:08Now you can take, you can infer
- 27:11signature gene signatures from these
- 27:13single cell States and you can then
- 27:16use computational methods to project
- 27:18those signatures on bulk RNA C datasets
- 27:20such as the ones we have in glass.
- 27:23So you can use single cell signatures to
- 27:26deconvolute bulk expression profiles.
- 27:31So Fred Verne, former post doc in the lab,
- 27:33now a faculty member at the Jackson
- 27:35laboratory, took this approach,
- 27:38used the single cell inferred gene
- 27:41signatures from the Kevins and projected
- 27:44those onto the glass RNA C data sets.
- 27:48This is showing on the left IDH.
- 27:49Well the summary of IDH wild type tumors.
- 27:52On the right the IDH mutant
- 27:55tumors primary and recurrences.
- 27:57So when we aggregate all the data,
- 27:59first starting with IDH wild types,
- 28:02when we aggregate the presence of the
- 28:05single cell signatures across the cohort
- 28:08and compare initial to recurrent tumors,
- 28:11we do not find major shifts in our
- 28:14Panvama cell state cell state presence.
- 28:18Actually the major difference
- 28:20we found when comparing initial
- 28:23tumors to recurrent tumors is the
- 28:26relative fraction of oligodenrocytes
- 28:27in the tumor microenvironment.
- 28:32And maybe this is not too
- 28:35surprising if you look at the the
- 28:39invasive margins of these tumors,
- 28:41this is at the time of recurrence.
- 28:43This is where most of the tumor cells will
- 28:46have come from because this is the area
- 28:48of the tumor that's difficult to resect.
- 28:50So perhaps at recurrence you can
- 28:52imagine that at recurrence more
- 28:54of that margin is cut out.
- 28:56Therefore, we might be able to see more
- 28:59cells from that micro environment,
- 29:01in this case particularly oligodenvrosites.
- 29:06What what did seem more surprising
- 29:09to us is then again when Fred used
- 29:12computational methods to not just
- 29:14count enumerate the types of cells in
- 29:18primary to recurrent tumors but also
- 29:20looked at the actual gene expression
- 29:22profile of those cells that we found
- 29:25that a significant increase in
- 29:27neuronal signaling pathways amongst
- 29:29the malignant cell population.
- 29:32Of course you'll find neuronal
- 29:33signaling and oligodendrocytes but
- 29:35what we were finding is that also
- 29:37the malignant cells activate neuronal
- 29:39signaling pathways as recurrence.
- 29:42So we're seeing an increase in
- 29:45oligodendrocytes in the microenvironment
- 29:46but that appears to be converging
- 29:48with increased levels of neuronal
- 29:51signaling by the tumor cells.
- 29:54And when we use a public data set
- 29:57consisting of multi biopsy single cell
- 30:00RNA sequencing from glioblastoma patients,
- 30:03we could again confirm that the
- 30:06malignant single cells expressed
- 30:08higher levels of neuronal pathways
- 30:12when they were when the biopsies
- 30:14were obtained from the margins of
- 30:15the tumor relative to the core of the
- 30:18tumor confirming what Fred had found
- 30:20in our bulk analysis from glass.
- 30:25I'm actually going to skip this one.
- 30:27We decided this to then take
- 30:29this one step further in a large
- 30:31collaboration that involved Mario Suva,
- 30:33Itai, T Rush, Antonio Yavarone,
- 30:36Anna Lazarella as well as many
- 30:39postdoc and junior leads in
- 30:41in in these respective labs.
- 30:43Collaborating with MD Anderson,
- 30:44Duke and a number a number
- 30:46of other institutions
- 30:50we acquired. We generated longitudinal
- 30:52single nucleus RNA seed data for a large
- 30:55number of IDH wild type glioblastomas,
- 30:57again in the context of annotation for
- 31:00different types of therapy and we also
- 31:02were able to generate exomorhol genome
- 31:04sequencing on the majority of our core.
- 31:09So previously Mario and colleagues
- 31:14identified these four cell states that I
- 31:16mentioned earlier, NPCOPCACMS like cells.
- 31:21When we analyzed over 500,000 cells from
- 31:24this cohort and again to derive cell states
- 31:28as well as transcriptional meta programs,
- 31:31we find these same 4 cell States and the gene
- 31:34express's check features that come from them.
- 31:37Again, here is OPC, AC,
- 31:40mesenchymal, and NPC.
- 31:41But of course we found many more
- 31:44because of the much larger cohort
- 31:46as well as because in his Mario's
- 31:48initial study he had only untreated,
- 31:50he included only untreated tumors.
- 31:51And now we're looking at
- 31:54both primary and recurrences.
- 31:55So our large data set enabled
- 31:57us to find the number of new
- 31:59glioblastoma related cell programs.
- 32:06As we had also observed
- 32:09in our glass analysis,
- 32:10the relative number of malignant
- 32:13cells decreased at recurrence.
- 32:14So recurrent GBMS become less
- 32:17pure or more incorporate more
- 32:20tumor microenvironment cells.
- 32:21So we see a decrease in the number
- 32:24of proportion of malignant cells
- 32:25and an increase and we confirmed
- 32:27the increase in the number of
- 32:29oligodendrocytes that's because of
- 32:30the greater resolution of the single
- 32:32cell of the new single nucleus data.
- 32:33We also see a significant increase
- 32:35in the number of astrocytes in
- 32:37the number of neuronal cells
- 32:42converging with the result from glass
- 32:45that most tumors or many tumors
- 32:47change tumor subtype at recurrence.
- 32:50We find large shifts in cell states
- 32:54between primary and recurrent tumors
- 32:57and the one that maybe is interesting is
- 33:00hypoxia and I'll get back to that later.
- 33:03So a subset of this smaller color compared
- 33:07to glass acquired this small deletion
- 33:09phenotype that I mentioned earlier.
- 33:10In fact 10 of 46 tumors where we had
- 33:14converging DNA sequencing and single
- 33:17nucleus sequencing data acquired this
- 33:19small deletion phenotype as shown here.
- 33:22And what we're seeing is that when a small
- 33:25deletion phenotype has been acquired,
- 33:27tumors will increase.
- 33:29We find that more tumor cells show signs
- 33:32of hypoxia are responding to hypoxia.
- 33:37So radiation either drives or
- 33:42shows its most significant effects
- 33:44in cells in regions of hypoxia.
- 33:50When we then went back to our glass
- 33:52data sets, we could confirm that
- 33:54indeed tumors that acquire lots of
- 33:56small deletions are also showing
- 33:57an increase in hypoxic signaling,
- 33:59hypoxia cell state signaling compared to
- 34:01tumors that do not acquire small deletion.
- 34:07This is potentially relevant because
- 34:09hypoxia is a phenomenon you can
- 34:11detect through imaging and of course
- 34:14these results built upon large
- 34:16and large amount of literature
- 34:18demonstrating the convergence of
- 34:20radiation response with hypoxia.
- 34:26We then also focused,
- 34:28we then also performed A comparable
- 34:30analysis but looking at IDH mutant tumor.
- 34:32So we generated single nucleus
- 34:34RNA CC data on IDH mutants,
- 34:38a cohort of 35 cases and this is
- 34:40work led by Kevin Johnson who is a
- 34:42research scientist in our lab again
- 34:44with the same collaborator team.
- 34:51Mario Nita's labs have previously
- 34:54found that in IDH mutant tumors they
- 34:58they found less consistent cell cell
- 35:01state and gene expression programs.
- 35:02But they found that all that most tumors
- 35:06could be projected along an axis of stem
- 35:10like to stem like Sigma from stem like
- 35:14states to a more differentiated state.
- 35:17Because IDH mutant tumors in general are
- 35:20either astrocytoma or oligodenra glioma,
- 35:23They showed that astrocyte
- 35:28IDH mutant gliomas differentiate
- 35:29from a stem like cell to a astrocyte
- 35:33like cell phenotype whereas
- 35:35oligodenrocytes go from a stem like
- 35:37state to a more oligodenrocyte like
- 35:40state as potentially expected.
- 35:41So the non codels go to the left
- 35:44and the codels go to the right.
- 35:48In our paper from 2022 with
- 35:50Fred as first author,
- 35:51we had noticed that amongst IDH mutants
- 35:56those that show signs of treatment
- 35:59response either through hypermutation
- 36:01or through acquired sydicand to a loss,
- 36:04we saw an increase in the proportion
- 36:07of proliferating stem like cells
- 36:09which would be in the in the trunk
- 36:12of the axis shown on the left.
- 36:15So we took those results and we
- 36:17took those into consideration as
- 36:19we started to analyze these data.
- 36:21So first we Kevin generated these U
- 36:24maps that you can see in many papers.
- 36:26We had generated data from large
- 36:28numbers of nuclei,
- 36:29I would say quite unprecedented to show
- 36:32that you can infer your typical sets
- 36:35of cell state programs as shown here.
- 36:38So we have now generated a very
- 36:40large number of IDH smooth and single
- 36:42nucleus data and through that we can
- 36:45create a definition of cell States and
- 36:47associated metaprograms of IDH mutant tumors.
- 36:50And the metaprograms we arrived at
- 36:54actually are quite reminiscent of those
- 36:56that are shown in IDH wild type tumors.
- 37:03Interestingly, when we looked at the this,
- 37:05when we projected the 35 cases that we
- 37:09had analyzed that we had sequenced,
- 37:11we projected them on that same
- 37:13inferred Y axis as Mario and Itai had
- 37:16previously used in their analysis.
- 37:18We see that tumors tend to shift.
- 37:20So there's the circles here
- 37:21are the initial tumors and the
- 37:23triangles are the recurrent tumors.
- 37:26We see that nearly all tumors
- 37:28shift into an upward direction.
- 37:31So the relative amount of stem like or stem,
- 37:34the relative amount of stemness
- 37:36in these tumors almost universally
- 37:39increases upon recurrence.
- 37:41So tumor seems to de differentiate
- 37:47as a part of their tumor progression.
- 37:53This is also shown here.
- 37:54These are different some of the different
- 37:57meta programs that we had arrived at
- 37:59looking at different grades amongst
- 38:01Codells and non Codells and we see
- 38:05that a differentiated differentiation
- 38:07cell state such as the AC like
- 38:10state decreases upon with grade.
- 38:12And that's true for both Codells and non
- 38:16Codells whereas undifferentiated and
- 38:18number of cycling cells increases with grade.
- 38:23And when we actually pair up the tumor,
- 38:27so not split them by grade but
- 38:29actually look at paired samples
- 38:31again we confirm that the amount of
- 38:34undifferentiated cells increases,
- 38:36the amount of cycling cells increases,
- 38:38cells that show signs of stress increases
- 38:41in proportion and finally mesenchymal
- 38:43like cells increase in proportion.
- 38:49Now what is in my view most interesting
- 38:53about these observations is when we now
- 38:56separate our you know relatively modest
- 38:58cohort but still into cases that have signs
- 39:02of therapy induced genetic alterations.
- 39:05But those are the ones that also
- 39:07are also those are the ones that are
- 39:09driving these significant changes.
- 39:11So tumors that do not reflect therapy induced
- 39:15genetic alterations such as hypermutation,
- 39:17citic anti a loss or loss of new
- 39:20aneuploidies, we find no significant
- 39:22difference in cell states.
- 39:24It's only those tumors that show a
- 39:27treatment induced alteration that
- 39:28are the ones that also show changes
- 39:30in their gene expression programs.
- 39:36So to then re annotate the
- 39:39flow charts I showed earlier,
- 39:42we're seeing that subsets of IDH
- 39:44mutant as well as IDH wild type
- 39:47tumors acquire genetic alterations
- 39:48in response to treatment and we're
- 39:51now finding using our bulk and
- 39:53single nucleus our expression
- 39:55gene expression datasets that
- 39:57this coincides with increased cell
- 39:59cycle activity and proliferation.
- 40:02And D differentiation programs
- 40:04and IDH mutant glomus but with
- 40:08neuronal and mesenchomal signaling
- 40:10activity and IDH wild type tumors.
- 40:13So it leads me to summarize at the end here.
- 40:17IDH wild type gliomas so far seem to
- 40:20undergo tumor cell extrinsic changes
- 40:22which sets them apart from IDH mutant
- 40:25glomas which appear to a majority
- 40:27undergo tumor cell intrinsic transitions,
- 40:30which I think is a peculiar
- 40:32but interesting difference
- 40:35As we think about developing new
- 40:38therapies for these patients,
- 40:39this is something to take into consideration.
- 40:43And finally amongst the IDH mutant clairomas,
- 40:47the changes we are observing are mostly
- 40:49observed when in those tumors that have
- 40:52been treated and we find convergence
- 40:55between newly acquired genetic
- 40:57alterations with cell state transitions.
- 40:59So that leads to the question,
- 41:02are these tumors changing because
- 41:04of the treatment or are the
- 41:07oncologists treating the tumors that
- 41:09are more likely to change or both?
- 41:12That's something for a next analysis.
- 41:15With that, I come to the end,
- 41:17I'd like to thank all the people
- 41:19in the lab that worked very hard
- 41:21for these results and of course
- 41:22our funding our funders.
- 41:24Thank you very much.
- 41:29Thank you. Jen had to run to the OR,
- 41:31so I will handle the questions.
- 41:33Do we have any questions
- 41:34from the room or online?
- 41:38You mentioned immunotherapy,
- 41:40so are are there protocols now that
- 41:42are using some of these markers to
- 41:44determine who should get immunotherapy
- 41:45and which ones in this disease.
- 41:46So regrettably all the results so
- 41:48far I've shown that checkpoint
- 41:50inhibition does relative does little
- 41:53for these patients and that's likely
- 41:56because of the very immunosuppressive
- 41:57microenvironment in these tumors.
- 41:59There's very few active T cells.
- 42:00So you can treat them at checkpoint
- 42:02inhibition but without T cells that's
- 42:04going to not really result in any benefit.
- 42:07So moving forward the way to get
- 42:09immunotherapies to work in these patients
- 42:12would be to figure out how can we get
- 42:15T cells into the tumor and only then
- 42:17immunotherapy is is likely to have a chance.
- 42:19Got it. OK.
- 42:20Any questions in the room? OK.
- 42:21I will walk the microphone around.
- 42:23I'll go the front row here first.
- 42:28Hello. Oh thanks. A beautiful talk and
- 42:30I think you know just to it's something
- 42:33that we are all hoping to be able to
- 42:37replicate in different tumor types.
- 42:40What a what a great example of a
- 42:42a treasure trove of information.
- 42:45My question is about epigenetic regulation
- 42:47and I saw one slide with EZH 2
- 42:50your thoughts or if you've looked
- 42:52at sort of wrapping of chromatin
- 42:55epigenetic regulation specifically
- 42:58after radiation, if that's changed,
- 43:00if we can explore that with some of our,
- 43:02for example, ECH,
- 43:03two or other regulators there,
- 43:05inhibitors there,
- 43:08that's a great question.
- 43:11So just from a data perspective,
- 43:13we have been able to collect
- 43:15the NMS elation profiles,
- 43:17other members of the glass
- 43:19consortium have looked at those.
- 43:21What we see in the IDH wild type tumors,
- 43:23we don't see many changes from
- 43:25a Dena methylation perspective.
- 43:28These tumors have lots of things going on,
- 43:30but it doesn't really seem to change
- 43:32in directly their DNA methylation
- 43:34profile and the IDH mutants.
- 43:36We see that the subset of tumors goes
- 43:38from a relatively high amount of genome
- 43:41Y DNA methylation to a decreased amount.
- 43:44So and those are the ones that
- 43:46also are also the ones that change
- 43:48that acquire genetic alterations
- 43:49that change cell state programs,
- 43:51those also seem to demethylate or
- 43:55show demethylation genome wide.
- 43:57Now whether that has implications
- 43:59for treatment with ECH 2 inhibitors
- 44:01would be a bit of a stretch.
- 44:03I know those are being considered for
- 44:07the H3 wild type pediatric GBMS for example,
- 44:12but right now I don't have information on
- 44:14whether that will work for for adults.
- 44:17Great, we can go to Doctor
- 44:18crop and then doctor Contessa
- 44:19in the chat has a question.
- 44:21So we'll get him queued up
- 44:22to ask it verbally.
- 44:25Ian, very nice talk.
- 44:26And this question actually
- 44:27is a little bit similar
- 44:28to I think what Joe's getting at.
- 44:31So you've shown that in the the subset
- 44:34of the temozolomide treated patients
- 44:36developed this hypermutated phenotype
- 44:38and that's associated that leads to
- 44:40poor outcomes in those patients.
- 44:43It would seem that if you could
- 44:44potentially if you could identify
- 44:45those patients up front who were
- 44:47going to go down that path with
- 44:49treatment with temozolemide that
- 44:50you may decide it may be in their
- 44:52overall better outcome to avoid using
- 44:54temozolemide in those patients.
- 44:55So if you looked at baseline molecular,
- 44:59molecular genomic characteristics
- 45:01of the patients who go on to develop
- 45:03hypermutator phenotype to be able to
- 45:05if you could predict those up front,
- 45:07yeah. So for ID, it's wild type
- 45:08of course we have a great marker.
- 45:09It's MGMT methylation, right.
- 45:11So for that, I would say that's
- 45:14already most largely addressed.
- 45:15For IDH mutants,
- 45:16we have not looked at this very much yet.
- 45:19There's been another publication from
- 45:21a group in China that has established
- 45:23a large number of serial cases.
- 45:26They have suggested that low level changes
- 45:30in chromosome 8 would be predictive of
- 45:34risk of developing hypermutation and
- 45:36they link that functionally to MIC.
- 45:39I think that data is interesting.
- 45:41I think it could use some further
- 45:43validation now as we are expanding
- 45:45and working on our glass effort,
- 45:46a major change relative to our latest
- 45:50release and one we are working on right
- 45:52now is that we've accumulated a large
- 45:54amount of whole genome sequencing data.
- 45:55And I'm excited about that because
- 45:57with whole genome sequencing data,
- 45:58you can do things with mutational
- 46:00signatures and mutational signatures
- 46:02would reflect for example,
- 46:03potentially DNA damage repair processes
- 46:05that are ongoing in these tumors.
- 46:08So I'm hopeful that we can identify tumors
- 46:10that have DNA damage repair processes
- 46:12going on and that that would then be
- 46:15repredictive of response to demosolomide.
- 46:17That's all speculation.
- 46:18So hopefully in a year from now or so,
- 46:21we will have more definitive answers.
- 46:23Thanks.
- 46:23Great.
- 46:24Doctor Contessa,
- 46:24I'm told we don't have access
- 46:26to allow him to talk.
- 46:27Can I can you hear me a miracle?
- 46:31Yeah, this is OK go ahead.
- 46:32Oh, great role. That was fantastic.
- 46:35Fantastic talk, very exciting.
- 46:39So yeah, I just wanted to drill
- 46:40down a little bit on the the
- 46:42radiation induced mutations because
- 46:44there is this question, right.
- 46:46Is it that you're select that
- 46:49after radiation it's a selective
- 46:51pressure and you're winding up
- 46:53you know finding those those
- 46:56mutations that have gone on and been
- 46:59propagated in in different clones.
- 47:02And you know I think that
- 47:03the main question is,
- 47:04so if you're sequencing from a tumor
- 47:07and considering the stochastic
- 47:09nature of radiation are do you
- 47:11think you're going to be able to
- 47:13find those recurrent you know,
- 47:15small deletions and isn't that
- 47:17probably more consistent with you
- 47:19have a resistant clone which might
- 47:21be you know have adna repair defect
- 47:23which enables radiation resistance and
- 47:25so then you wind up having that you
- 47:29know radiation resistant clone moving on.
- 47:32And I and I think that's similar to
- 47:33what you would see with CDK and 2A,
- 47:35but I won't be too long.
- 47:36And I guess my main question is,
- 47:37so can you know you have these
- 47:39two different possibilities,
- 47:40Could you use a single cell analysis to
- 47:42analysis to try to differentiate between,
- 47:45right.
- 47:46Is it the radiation that's
- 47:48the cause or just the,
- 47:50you know that it's the
- 47:51the selective pressure?
- 47:52Yeah. Thanks.
- 47:53Thanks very much and and great question.
- 47:55So if we take hybrid mutation
- 47:58following tamizolomide as an example,
- 48:00because of the specific mutational
- 48:02signatures of mutations acquired
- 48:04after mint temozolomide,
- 48:06we're pretty sure that temozolomide is
- 48:09actually causing these these changes.
- 48:11And I think there's a lot of
- 48:14similarities between the small
- 48:15deletions acquired by after irradiation
- 48:18to the temozolomite example.
- 48:23One reason for saying that is that
- 48:24we have taken cell line models and
- 48:27irradiated them and then passes them for
- 48:2925 times or so or have made sure they
- 48:31went through a full cell cycle 25 * /
- 48:34a period of let's say 3 or so months.
- 48:37One of our MDP disease students
- 48:39has done that in the lab.
- 48:40And she said she showed that
- 48:42after about 3 months,
- 48:43you see a significant increase in the
- 48:45number of small deletions and tumors
- 48:47with or in cell lines with radiation
- 48:49versus those that have not been irradiated.
- 48:52And actually,
- 48:52and she actually spoke with your student
- 48:55after her exciting talk just two weeks ago.
- 48:57So that to me suggests a
- 49:00pretty strong causal link.
- 49:01Also, the types of small deletions,
- 49:04we've now made some progress
- 49:05in analyzing them.
- 49:06They carry a specific signature or they are
- 49:08associated with this specific signature,
- 49:10which again to me suggested
- 49:12there's a direct causal link rather
- 49:14than radiation causing clonal
- 49:16outgrowth of a particular clone.
- 49:21Yeah, I think that's what I wanted.
- 49:23Yeah, thanks. We should connect
- 49:25because I I have some some
- 49:27more comments and discussion.
- 49:29Great. I would love to. OK, I I just
- 49:31unmuted. Doctor Robinson, do you want
- 49:33to ask your question?
- 49:36Yeah, phenomenal talk.
- 49:36I was going to ask,
- 49:38I think you already answered this
- 49:39about the MGMT methylate if there's
- 49:40a difference in patterns resistance.
- 49:42But the other question I was going
- 49:44to ask is you know has there
- 49:46been efforts to kind of pursue
- 49:47synthetic lethal screens of some
- 49:48of these identified pathways,
- 49:50So CD and K things like that,
- 49:53That's a, it's a great suggestion.
- 49:56My speculation is that probably
- 49:57somebody has done that.
- 49:58We're not doing those in the lab right now.
- 50:01I guess you know challenges of
- 50:03course exist even though tell us this
- 50:06exists of course with getting any
- 50:08kind of molecules into the brain,
- 50:10you know if you have a target
- 50:12most many of our clinical trial
- 50:13failures that we've seen so far
- 50:15are actually related to blood brain
- 50:17barrier and and things like that.
- 50:19So I think your your your
- 50:20idea of course is very good.
- 50:24It'll take a little bit longer
- 50:26before we can actually see
- 50:29drugs and treatments materialize from that.
- 50:32And one follow up question,
- 50:33one thing that's always really been
- 50:35perplexing to me is that with EGFR 3 variants
- 50:37that if you put those in a Petri dish,
- 50:40those get selected out.
- 50:41So they're actually disadvantageous
- 50:42in a Petri dish.
- 50:43But obviously we see them in
- 50:45in real human tumors.
- 50:46Do you have any any kind of
- 50:48sense or any insights as to
- 50:49why those are advantageous in
- 50:51the real human environment,
- 50:52But they're not in a Petri dish,
- 50:54so it's hard to answer that directly.
- 50:58Maybe it has to do with the types of
- 51:01ligands that exist in the micro environment
- 51:04versus those that exist in a Petri dish.
- 51:06The the spin I would gift on this
- 51:08is that we find that all V3 variants
- 51:11exist on extra chromosomal DNAS.
- 51:14So EGFR is is amplified when the V3 is
- 51:18present and these amplifications typically
- 51:20reside on extra chromosomal DNAS.
- 51:23And there's a lot of, you know,
- 51:27that does a lot of things to these cells,
- 51:31including potentially putting a higher
- 51:33burden on the cells to produce all
- 51:36the DNA needed for the high numbers
- 51:38of copies that typically exist when
- 51:40there's extra chromosomal DNA.
- 51:41So that could be one reason.
- 51:43And in general,
- 51:44I think EC DNA is very potent in
- 51:48many ways and that probably has
- 51:50to do with why these are selected
- 51:52out more so than the V3 itself.