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Webinar: Expressing Emotions: Power, Race, Gender, and Culture

Wednesday, July 7 at 12 noon

Expressing Emotions: Power, Race, Gender, and Culture

What are the factors that impact our comfort level and the rules around expressing emotions. Why do we mask our emotions? What are the implications?

To join, go to
Zoom Webinar ID: 964 2100 9744. Passcode: 641611

By phone: (203) 4329666 or (833) 548 0276. Passcode: 641611

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Coming up…

Wednesday July 21 at 12 noon

Regulating Emotions: From Breathing to Reframing

What are the most helpful ways for us to manage our emotions and to coregulate with others while taking into account individual differences and context, both in the short term and the long term.






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